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      "Hidden Cities" at Koza Visual Culture and Arts Association, image courtesy of Ozge Celikaslan
      Hidden Cities | Istanbul (Turkey)
      The gossamer of precarious realities in contemporary metropolis

      The fascinating city of Istanbul hosted Hidden Cities, an international video art festival and photography exhibition (May 10-12, 2012). Koza Visual Culture and Arts Association, the charming and alternative venue for the event, opened its doors to sixty-one artists. The project has been curated by Luca Curci and organized by International ArtExpo.

      Thirty-eight video artist and twenty-three photo artists from twenty-two different countries exposed their artworks of "Hidden Cities" about the hybridization of physical and social identities in the contemporary cities. Unity Productions Foundation, the non-profit organization producing documentary films, was the guest of honor of this event with its documentary "Islamic Art: Mirror of the Invisible World".

      "Istanbul is a city living its mystery and secrecy, a city hosting the secret of a thousand kinds.   Despite the population explosion, the impossibility of urban planning and the increasing deterioration of ecological balance, historical accumulation in the center of Istanbul in particular is still enough to find "hidden cities" in the inside. The Hidden Cities event reached the newspapers of Istanbul and can be seen on the internet. A lot of visitors attended the event such as researchers studying urban architecture, architecture and sociology, memory and the city, local artists from Istanbul as well as some artists exposing their work. There was a lot of interest both in the photo and the video art works. We had a look at different cities, and the hidden corners of Istanbul presented by foreign artists were very impressive". Ozge Celikaslan, director of the Koza Visual Culture and Arts Association.

      International ArtExpo would like to acknowledge all the video artists and photo artists for their effort, vision, and passion for contemporary art.

      Francesco Acerbis . Italy | Alaleh Alamir . France | Cristina Amiran & Khalil Charif . Brazil | Kim Arrow . USA | Alfonso Arzapalo . Canada | Yuko Asai . Japan | Karin Bandelin . Germany | Hans Michael Bittner . Austria | Carolin Clausnitzer . Germany | Erin Coates . Australia | Fiona Davies . Australia | Embodied Creative . UK | Gerald Forster . USA | Daniele Lorenzo Fumagalli . Italy | Isabella Gresser . Germany | Seth Gutierrez . USA | Paul Handley . New Zealand | Chris Haydon . UK | Wei-Ming Ho . Taiwan | Jan Ijäs . Finland |  Nicolas Iordanou & Sylvia Nicolaides . Cyprus | Monica James & Sruti Visweswaran . India | Liam James . Australia | Lisamarie Johnson . Ireland | Elena La Ganga . Italy | Gabriele Liuba . Italy | Marineta Mak Kritikou . Greece | Michelle Mantsio . Australia | Andreas Mares . Austria | Eleanna Martinou . Greece | Michael Poetschko . Austria | Chantal Romani . Switzerland | Maria da Schio . Italy | Lueder Schruff . Germany | Albin Schutting . Austria | André Seddon Markwald . Brazil | Gregory Steel . USA | Unity Productions Foundation . USA | Yiotis Vrantzas . Greece

      .photo artists
      EASTERN Design Office + Koichi Torimura . Japan | Fabian Freese . Germany | Wang Haiyuan . China | Jan Ijäs . Finland | Taiyo Jinno . Japan | Lisamarie Johnson . Ireland | Yael Kaplan . Israel | Oan Kyu . Italy | Eva Maria Lopez . Germany | Kate MacDonald . Canada | Andreas Mares . Austria | Esther Naor . Israel | Diana Nikolova . Bulgaria | Ge Orthof . Brazil | Tanya Preminger . Israel | Loredana Raciti . Italy | André Reinders . Germany | Paula Roush . UK | Maria da Schio . Italy | Nora Schoepfer . Austria | Preben Van der Straete . Belgium | Maciek Wojciechowski . UK | Sarah Younan . UK

      International ArtExpo is a not for profit organization that provides a significant forum for cultural dialogue between all artists from different cultures and countries. We depend on the support of you. ArtExpo is grateful to all of the institutions, corporations, and individuals who support our efforts. We work with a number of national and international galleries as well as publishers, museums, curators and writers from all over the world. We help artists through solo and group exhibitions, gallery representation, magazine reviews and advertisements, press releases, internet promotion, as well as various curatorial projects.

       to see more details about Hidden Cities | Istanbul (Turkey).

      International ArtExpo
      Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 33
      70122 Bari (Italy)

      Media partner
      It's LIQUID Group


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