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Public Talk

Răzvan Ion în dialog cu Andrei Pandele
Realismul social critic sau rezistența imaginii

Joi, 13 iunie 2013, 19.00

@PAVILION | proudly supported by UniCredit Țiriac Bank
Str. C.A. Rosetti 36 (intrarea din str. Jean Louis Calderon)

FB event: www.facebook.com/events/146292478894095/

Artele mecanice induc istoric o schimbare de paradigmă artistică și un raport nou al artei cu subiectele sale (Walter Benjamin). Trebuie însă să luăm lucrurile invers. Pentru ca artele mecanice să poată da vizibilitate maselor, sau mai degrabă individului anonim, ele trebuie să fie mai întâi practicate și recunoscute ca fiind altceva decât tehnicile de reproducere sau de difuzare. Numai atunci fotografia poate fi luată în considerare ca artă (Jacques Rancière). Configurația estetico-politică a imaginilor lui Andrei Pandele creează loc unei discuții interesante privitoare la realismul social critic, a rezistenței estetice și unei strategii implicite.

Dialogul se va desfășura în timpul unei proiecții unice a imaginilor create de Andrei Pandele înainte de 1989.

Andrei Pandele este arhitect. Din 1968, a lucrat în institute de proiectare, agenții și firme de arhitectură. In perioada 1998-2001, a fost arhitect-șef adjunct al Capitalei. Fotograf pasionat, Pandele a surprins în mii de imagini regimul comunist și a creat fotografii devenite simbol. În 1975 l-a însoțit pe Henri Cartier-Bresson în călătoria sa la București. A publicat mai multe volume printre care “Martorul surpriză” și “Casa Poporului. Un sfârşit în marmură”. Fotografiile sale au fost expuse în numeroase expoziții, publicate aproape oriunde în lume. Lucrează în continuare ca arhitect la București.

Răzvan Ion este teoretician, curator, manager cultural și activist politic. Este co-editor al PAVILION – journal for politics and culture, co-director al BUCHAREST BIENNALE – Bienala internațională de artă contemporană București (împreună cu Eugen Rădescu). A fost profesor asociat al Universității California, Berkeley; Universității din Lisabona; Central University of New York; University of London; ș.a. A ținut conferințe și prelegeri la diverse instituții de artă precum Witte de With, Rotterdam; Kunsthalle Vienna; Art In General, New York; rum46, Aarhus; Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisabona; La Casa Encedida, Madrid; New Langton, San Francisco; CCA, Tbilisi, etc. Este profesor la Universitatea din București unde predă studii curatoriale și un curs de gândire critică.

Imagine: Andrei Pandele, august 1982.


Public Talk

Răzvan Ion in dialogue with Andrei Pandele
Critical social realism or the resistance of the image
Thursday, 13 June 2013, 19.00

@PAVILION | proudly supported by UniCredit Țiriac Bank
Str. C.A. Rosetti 36 (Entrance from str. Jean Louis Calderon)

FB event: www.facebook.com/events/146292478894095/

The mechanical arts stimulate a historically change of artistic paradigm and a new relation between art and its subjects (Walter Benjamin). We must, though, see the things from an opposite perspective. For the mechanical arts to be able to give visibility to the masses, or more so, to the anonymous person, they have to be, first of all, handed and perceived as something other than technics of reproduction or emission. Only then the photography can be regarded as art (Jacques Rancière). The aesthetical and political configuration of Andrei Pandele’s images creates a place for interesting discussions regarding the critical social realism, the aesthetic persistence and the implicit strategy.

The dialogue will take place during a unique projection of the images created by Andrei Pandele before 1989.

Andrei Pandele is an architect. From 1968 he started to work in projection institutes, agencies and companies of architecture. During the years 1998 – 2001 he was adjunct chief-architect of Bucharest. Being passionate about photography, Pandele has caught on film thousands of images of the communist regime and he has created photos that have become symbols. In 1975 he traveled with Henri Cartier-Bresson through his journey in Romania. He published several books among which “ Surprise – Witness” and “The House of the People. The end in marble.” His photos participated in several exhibitions, published almost all over the world. Currently, he is still working as an architect in Bucharest.

Răzvan Ion is theoretician, curator, cultural manager and political activist. He is the co-editor of PAVILION – Journal for politics and culture, co-director of BUCHAREST BIENNALE – Bucharest International Biennale of contemporary art (with Eugen Rădescu). He was appointed associate professor at University of California, Berkeley, University of Lisbon, Central University of New York, University of London, etc. He has held conferences and talks at a large number of art institutions like Witte de With, Rotterdam; Kunsthalle Vienna; Art In General, New York; rum46, Aarhus; Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisabona; La Casa Encedida, Madrid; New Langton, San Francisco; CCA, Tbilisi, etc. Currently he is professor at University of Bucharest where he teaches curatorial studies and a class of critical thinking.

Image: Andrei Pandele, august 1982.

PAVILION center for contemporary art & culture
proudly supported by UniCredit Tiriac Bank

Str. C.A. Rosetti nr. 36 (crossing with Str. Jean Louis Calderon),
Bucharest 020015, Romania

T: + 4 021 310 5469
PAVILION (proudly supported by UniCredit Tiriac Bank) este un centru pentru arta si cultura contemporana, un spatiu independent work-in-progress, spatiu de productie si cercetare a vizualului, a discursivului si a performativului. Este un spatiu al gandirii critice  care promoveaza o întelegere implicata socio-politic a artei si a institutiilor culturale.

proudly supported by UniCredit Tiriac Bank) is a center for contemporary art & culture, a work-in-progress independent space, a space for the production and research in the fields of audiovisual, discursive and performative. It is a space of critical thinking, and it promotes an artistic perspective implying the social and political involvement of art and of cultural institutions.


This is a project by PAVILION - journal for politics and culture.

PAVILION, BUCHAREST BIENNALE and PAVILION CENTER are projects devised and founded by Razvan Ion and Eugen Radescu

Institutional Partners:
Netherlands Embassy in Bucharest
Embassy of the United States in Bucharest
FSPUB - Faculty of Political Science
University of Bucharest
CNI Coresi
Alert Studio
Romanian Cultural Institute
Rumanska Kulturinstitutet Stockholm
Make A Point
BAM - Flamish Institute for Visual, Audiovisual and Media Art
Nana - natural food
Cinema Union
Arhiva Nationala de Filme
White Night of the Galleries

Media Partners:
Radio Romania Cultural
RFI Romania
Arte & Meserii
Ginger Group
Urban Things Romania
Radical Philosophy

Official Hotel: Intercontinental Hotel

Official coffee: Illy

Printing Partner: Evergreen Concept

Production Partner: Update Advertising

Official Club:

Official Restaurant: Shift

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