Artists Describing Their Art:
Nancy Bechtol - Artists explore and give the world a view of their personal heightened awareness. I visualize and think with keen beliefs and insights. Reflection of human and societal concerns which cross emotional boundaries-- communicating that which is unspoken. My traditional art foundations of drawing, painting and printmaking, evolved into video, digital photography and experimental media. I use digital photography and imaging to envision the concepts originating from the creative pulse.An individual artist explores and gives the world a view of their personal heightened awareness. Artists see and think with keen beliefs and insights.Reflection of human and societal concerns which cross emotional boundaries-- communicating that which is unspoken. My traditional art foundations of drawing, painting and printmaking, evolved into video, digital photography and experimental media. I use digital photography and imaging to envision the concepts originating from the creative pulse....
Rhoda Taylor - Every day I work in my studio and every day I look forward to creating artwork. Painting is my passion.... I wouldn't know what to do without it. The studio that I work in is situated on the grounds of our house in beautiful Southern Ireland, surrounding me are the mountains with their soft mists, the rolling hills and ancient coastline, it all fills me with happiness and inspiration, I can gaze from my window at the amazing views, the Atlantic ocean, fields, cattle, birds and trees, this truly is a mystical and magical place. Over the years I have worked with various mediums, glass painting, silk screen, oils, pen and ink, gouache and watercolour, but my ultimate choice is my pen and ink work which I truly adore, I know I can put into the paintings a tremendous amount of detail that would be almost impossible using another medium. I am fortunate to of had a lot of my work purchased and exhibited worldwide, England, Ireland, France, Germany, Malta, Hong Kong, Vienna, Japan, and America, with works including Portraiture, Design and Illustration, not to mention the countless private commission requests ranging from transforming memorable photographs into paintings for ...
Vincenzo Montella - Vincenzo Montella was born in Benevento, Italy the 7/14/1952 and lives in Naples where works as psychiatrist. He is graduated in Medicine and Philosophy and specialist in psychiatry and family psychotherapy. He is artist, poet and photographer. He studied photography at the Toscana Photographic Workshops attending courses of William Allard, Michael Yamashita, Machiel Botman, Alex Webb, Jeff Jacobson, Arkady Llove, Sarah Moon, Carol Dragon. ...
Michael Garr - I have been drawing and painting since Junior High. I enjoy quick art, impressionistic yet realistic, and minimal. There are interesting subjects all around us. My inspirations are architecture, people, light and shadow, the sea and boats, imagination... and the old masters. Get out and enjoy your surroundings. All my works are available as signed and numbered prints. I also do commission works, some examples of which are in the portfolio. I donate all proceeds to charity, and have recently teamed with SAVE THE BAY, a local Rhode Island eco-advocate organization, which receives 30 PER CENT of my proceeds. My opportunities for artistic expression have included drawing on napkins during airplane rides and waiting during my sons music lessons. In 2012 I took up oil painting for the first time, and my mentor is Lorena Pugh of North Kingstown. Ive done both Plein air and studio work in her presence, and am benefitting from the association. We have an informal group who meet and paint in Lorenas studio on Monday nights throughout the indoor season. I will continue to pursue art on a daily basis, and post the finished works here and on facebook for any and all to ...
Michael Garr -
Benno Fognini - 1994 grundete er in Baden AG das Atelier Benno. Als fotographischer Autodidakt mit einer Ausbildung im Bereich der chemischen Forschung konnte und wollte er sich nicht auf das konventionelle begnugen. Es folgte monatelanges Experimentieren mit den unterschiedlichsten Techniken und Materialien, welche aus der Anfangszeit der Fotografie stammten. Tagelang verbrachte er in seiner Dunkelkammer auf der Suche nach neuen Rezepturen und Techniken. Durch dieses Experimentieren eignete er sich tiefgreifend Kenntnisse der Ferritypie, des Gummidrucks, der Herstellung von Albumin-Papieren sowie alter Tonungs- und Flussigemulsionstechniken an. Bald darauf folgte eine erste Ausstellung mit ,,Badener Ansichten". Durch die Begeisterung an Oldtimern reiste er von Rennen zu Rennen und sammelte Material von alten Autos und Flugzeugen. Das dumpfe Drohnen der Motoren, der Duft von Benzin und ol und die berauschende Dynamik dieser alten Vehikel liessen ihn nicht mehr los. So entstand 1999 ein grossformatiger Oldtimerkalender mit einzigartigen Unikaten. Nach der Ausbildung zum Diplom-Astrologen 2002 begann er sich mehr und mehr in Richtung Malerei zu bewegen. Anfanglich mit der Spruhpistole, spater dann immer mehr mit Pinsel und Spachtel - immer auf der Suche nach der dritten Dimension. Seine Bilder sind gepragt vom Gebrauch unterschiedlichster Materialien und Techniken. ...
Ivan Kosta - My mission? To give some resemblance of our lives, to touch our fears,concerns, evoke dreams and give hope in time of dispair... ...
Raymond Paul Moats - "I seek to express not what is said, but what is thought and done, by means of poetic visualizations of time, experience and adventure". Raymond Paul Moats * * * My artistic inspiration is in DaVinci's engineering ability and insight. The majestic, studied excellence of Ferris, Winslow Homer, N.C. Wyeth and Remington are great examples to note. Art, design and structural engineering are my core interests from my youngest of days. It is what I always have done. I also admire the late author, Ayn Rand, for her literary prowess and powerful insights about creativity. One of her best comments is, we do what we create by a "right, morale premise." I paint Aviation, the history, technology, man and machine. My art can be called a realist impressionistic style that draws on technical imagination, color perception, the energy and dynamics of flight. Yet my work is not limited to aviation subjects alone. I also illustrate critters, landscapes, scenes of needed things, maritime art and I am a photographer. Wood work, furniture design and re-purposing found wood objects is one of my first loves. I relish the challenge illustrating the abstract concept to create visual realities with my favorite art medium...