Artists Describing Their Art:
Wendy Lippincott - Complex allegories dominate the many themes that pervade Ms. Lippincott's paintings. She prefers incorporating science into her art, consistent with her background in electrical engineering, but often gets waylaid with mythological and historical visions. Her paintings are currently only available for licensing. She hopes to have prints available soon. ...
Edem Elesh - I am interested in examining the miracle of everyday existence. I have lead a very unique life. Born in Los Angeles and educated from an early age at English boarding schools, I have been exposed to two different cultures. This gives my work an American energy with English sensibilities. I am intrigued by the interplay born of this duality: order and chaos, old and new, the conscious and unconscious, structure and freedom. Not to mention expectation and accident. I am currently working with a new form of mixed media which allows, to an even greater extent, the chances of an interplay between process and providence....
Michael Garr - I have been drawing and painting since Junior High. I enjoy quick art, impressionistic yet realistic, and minimal. There are interesting subjects all around us. My inspirations are architecture, people, light and shadow, the sea and boats, imagination... and the old masters. Get out and enjoy your surroundings. All my works are available as signed and numbered prints. I also do commission works, some examples of which are in the portfolio. I donate all proceeds to charity, and have recently teamed with SAVE THE BAY, a local Rhode Island eco-advocate organization, which receives 30 PER CENT of my proceeds. My opportunities for artistic expression have included drawing on napkins during airplane rides and waiting during my sons music lessons. In 2012 I took up oil painting for the first time, and my mentor is Lorena Pugh of North Kingstown. Ive done both Plein air and studio work in her presence, and am benefitting from the association. We have an informal group who meet and paint in Lorenas studio on Monday nights throughout the indoor season. I will continue to pursue art on a daily basis, and post the finished works here and on facebook for any and all to ...
Harry Weisburd - Harry Weisburd is an Internationally Represented Artist, including, USA, Expressions Gallery, Berkeley, California,
Wayne Quilliam - Adjunct Professor Wayne Quilliam is a professional Australian Aboriginal Photographic artist/film maker/cultural advisor working on the international stage. With more than 20 years experience working in all areas of photography including social documentary, sport, tourism, fashion,weddings, movies, event documentation and exhibitions, Wayne is recognised as a leading contemporary in his field. His work is a fusion of traditional spirituality and contemporary photographic processes,each image represents an interpretation of culture in the modern world. His dream is to work with all races of the world and conduct exhibitions in every country....
Vincenzo Montella - Vincenzo Montella was born in Benevento, Italy the 7/14/1952 and lives in Naples where works as psychiatrist. He is graduated in Medicine and Philosophy and specialist in psychiatry and family psychotherapy. He is artist, poet and photographer. He studied photography at the Toscana Photographic Workshops attending courses of William Allard, Michael Yamashita, Machiel Botman, Alex Webb, Jeff Jacobson, Arkady Llove, Sarah Moon, Carol Dragon. ...
Vincenzo Montella -
Kichung Lizee - After coming to this country from Korea in the mid 60's to study art, among the many forms of Western art that I was introduced to, Abstract Expressionism interested me most. Currently I am in the process of synthesizing Eastern and Western approaches to art. Specifically, I'm adopting the techniques and materials of Eastern calligraphy to Western thematic material, my primary goal being to close the gap between East and West and reach for universal creativity. Eastern calligraphy I learned is a living and breathing spirit, rather than the dead and rigid tradition of thousands of years. It is uniquely a form that conveys the pulsation of life energy. Through it, one can experience all aspects of the living spectrum. Eastern calligraphic form reveals the kind of life the artist has led, as well as foreshadowing the person one will become. It is the art form that manifests the self as a way of life or philosophy of life. It is a powerful art form that operates through direct intuition. As an artist I rely heavily on creative intuition. Moving with changes in the stream of consciousness, my creative intuition somehow brings out the subconscious and superconscious through ...
Hans-Ruedi Kammermann - Painting for me is passion, a fascinating process of seeing that alters the vision of things. The everyday becomes special, unique, unknown. What is seen, is never what is painted, yet the painting becomes a new reality. I donaEURtmt invent abstract images but the act of accumulating material on the canvas creates form and color aEUR" being materialistic in order to transform matter into imagination and perception. In the process of painting I find new images, something appears, stimulates vision, projects lost or remembered entities, becomes alive and finally communicates. ...
Hans-Ruedi Kammermann -
Storm Hammond - In many of the paintings, my intention was to give the viewer a glimpse into a peaceful moment in the Italian sense of capriccio. In others, particularly those which make use of funerary statuary, one is left questioning aspects of human solitude. It has been said that a landscape does not come alive until there is a figure in it. By using sculptures of human forms, I offer the viewer an identity within the painting. As they are stone, subtly a coldness permeates and a peculiar isolation sets in emotionally. This shifts the pastoral mood to a quiet thoughtful meloncholia. This gives some observers a surrealistic impression of my work. In the architectural alleys, the viewer stands alone on the path. There is always the unseen, something more, a mystery around the corner or through the gate. I use an indirect Old Master's method of oil painting. The process begins with the application of an abstract acrylic ground. Next, an oil grisaille is painted defining the light and dark areas. Then, multiple layers of oil glazes and varnishes finish the piece. The first drawing, painted as the ground utilizes the divine geometry of the Golden Section. The divine ratio, ...