Artists Describing Their Art:
Wendy Lippincott - Complex allegories dominate the many themes that pervade Ms. Lippincott's paintings. She prefers incorporating science into her art, consistent with her background in electrical engineering, but often gets waylaid with mythological and historical visions. Her paintings are currently only available for licensing. She hopes to have prints available soon. ...
Edem Elesh - I am interested in examining the miracle of everyday existence. I have lead a very unique life. Born in Los Angeles and educated from an early age at English boarding schools, I have been exposed to two different cultures. This gives my work an American energy with English sensibilities. I am intrigued by the interplay born of this duality: order and chaos, old and new, the conscious and unconscious, structure and freedom. Not to mention expectation and accident. I am currently working with a new form of mixed media which allows, to an even greater extent, the chances of an interplay between process and providence....
Hope Brooks - I am often asked the question what is my work about which is a little like being asked what is life about because in art as in life each person must bring their own experience and provide their own answers. Quite simply my work is about life and the enigma that surrounds existence. I make reference to specific experiences or draw on visual reality to act as a frame to the broader content and people bring their own interpretations as well. When I began painting in the 60's I was focused on talking about natural phenomena that I found around me in Jamaica, such as the sea, the mountains, or the moon but I was also trying to find a language that expressed the essence of that place I called home. In 1980 I travelled to Baltimore USA and my visual surroundings changed completely. This city had none of the natural landscape but it had beautiful stained glass windows and during my year at the Maryland Institute I produced a large body of work called "Windows". This included prints as well as paintings of the secular as well as the ecclesiastical windows. Someone looking at the work once said ...
Shelly Leitheiser - Art comes from my head and my heart. I care deeply about the environment and often do artwork expressing my interest in environmental topics. I also use my art work to tell stories and uncover truths. Water and paint are sometimes used but often I will use photography and digital painting programs to get the images I envision. I am a formally trained artist in fine art, and have recently left the world of painting realism as my interest in photography grows. Why should art and photography look the same? Now I do more impressionist art and also abstracts, many of them inspired by other worlds. The realistic painting I do these days is very contemporary. Art is a lot of work but it's also very rewarding for me when someone inquires further into the meaning of my art....
Rita Levinsohn - Welcome to my world of Other Realities. I am a painter of mystical figurative paintings and abstractions composed of acrylic paint and found objects. My concern is for the future of our planet. The animate and inanimate objects within the paintings reflect many incarnations. The message being that it is possible to create rather than destroy....
Marie Weaver - In part because of my academic background I work in various mediums, but I focus primarily on ceramics. Im drawn to the physicality of natural materials and the process-oriented nature of clay. I respond to the creative and observational challenge of drawing in space as well as on the surfaces, the intellectual engagement of meeting technical and conceptual challenges that are as engaging as a puzzle, and the hazard of chance introduced both by the materials, the firing process, and ongoing inspiration. Vulnerability, protection, and strength are central concepts in my figurative work. Although a particular current event or passing interest may capture my attention and result in a piece, I have an ongoing concern with threats to our planet. ...
Alessandro Zanazzo - Alessandro Zanazzo was born in Rome. He is Professor of Photography at Temple University and John Cabot University in Rome. He has been working at several Art projects concerning the interaction between different artistic languages photography, video, installations, performances, music. He spent many years abroad, living in in Bergen Norway and in Paris France and has participated to the French Biennial of Photography i?1/2Le Mois de la Photoi?1/2 where he showed his artworks inspired by two classic latin writers i?1/2The Metamorphosisi?1/2 by Ovidio and i?1/2The Rerum Naturai?1/2 by Lucrezio. His pictures habe been exhibited in European Art Galleries and Museums and in places like the deconsacrated church of S. Peter at Melle France or the S. Angel Castle in Rome. Beside his artistic researches, Alessandro Zanazzo is a professional free lance photographer available for assignments worldwide. In June 2007 he has been invited as Media Photographer by Zimbabwe Tourism Authority and the Embassy of Zimbabwe to take pictures in Africa. In April 2007 he has been the official photographer for the Embassy of Belgium during the visit of her Majesty the Queen Paola of Belgio,in Italy. His works incklude Advertising campaigns, Editorial Photography, PortraitPeople , Fashion , Architecture and Interiors, Landscape, ...
Janice Young - I work in multiple mediums. When I get an idea, I think, how can I express this visually. Sometimes the medium is the inspiration. I reuse materials from demolition, use leftovers from construction, gather raw materials from nature, and experiment with commercially produced materials. I have a drive to create. I would like what I create to provoke thought as to the beauty and importance of all life and the effect our massive appetites have on that life. ...