Artists Describing Their Art:
Wendy Lippincott - Complex allegories dominate the many themes that pervade Ms. Lippincott's paintings. She prefers incorporating science into her art, consistent with her background in electrical engineering, but often gets waylaid with mythological and historical visions. Her paintings are currently only available for licensing. She hopes to have prints available soon. ...
Wendy Lippincott -
Michael Pickett - I donaEURtmt know how IaEURtmm able to do all of this, but somewhere inside me I know that I stand out from the rest, IaEURtmm unique and have some powers that are beyond comprehension. I stay pretty much to myself and I feel like someone who is not from this planet and that there are differences that I readily perceive. All of this makes me self-conscious and also makes me more critical of myself. I judge and criticize myself a lot which I should not, but I do because I feel alienated at times. IaEURtmm vary humble and definitely not better than anyone else. I have so much to achieve, and thataEURtms why I take my own time to do so, there are times when I get irritated and agitated because of keeping a lot of expectations for myself, and when IaEURtmm not able to execute it, I feel low. However, I have to make sure that all these expectations are achievable, not impractical and unfeasible. As a result, I trust my intuition more which allows me to communicate with others. Self-expression and originality are also associated with me. There is a ...
Shoshannah Brombacher - Art makes the world within the artist visible. Classical music, poetry, Jewish and Chassidic stories, traveling, the love for people and memories of eras gone but not forgotten, cities where I lived and worked, like Amsterdam, Berlin, Jerusalem, New York, or visited, like Prague and Sicily, are the main ingredients of my art. My art is like the water of the canals of my native Amsterdam, Rembrandts city, the deeper you look into it, the more you see. A reflection of a reflection of a reflection...look, what you see is not what you see. My art contains texts and letters, lets writing come alive, and reflects my deep connection with the Dutch 17th century Masters, German expressionism, Russian art and medieval miniatures. My art is also a tribute to music and the world of the great Chassidic masters of Eastern Europe. The Kotzker Rebbe listened to a Chassidic storyteller in the street and stated He told what he wanted and I heard what I needed. That is Art. ...
Roger Cummiskey - I am a full time visual Artist. Membereships: Professional Member of Visual Artists Ireland - VAI. Member The ArtistsaEURtm Resale Right (ARR) (Droit de Suite) In Ireland - IVARO. Chairman of the Andalusian International Artists Group - AIA-Group - PAIA. Member AsociaciA3n EspaA+-ola de Pintores y Escultores - AEPE. Member AsociaciA3n de Acuarelistas de MA!laga - AAM.. Member of NADFAS - Costa del Sol Decorative and Fine Arts Society. I am a Professional Member of the Sculptors' Society of Ireland Ltd. (aka Visual Artists Ireland)
Maria Teresa Fernandes - Admiring Teresa's paintings we are touched by her pictorial sensitivity. Difficult task in light colors (volume and transparencies on a clear basis). Few do it due to the required dedication with pallete knife(no brush).It's painting consacrated by the love to paint. Radha Abramo(Renowned art critique)comments at Solo Exhibition Catalog at SESC Paulista in June 84 -( sent at request and reproduced in one of the pages of this site). ...
Mark Raynes Roberts - "Crystal to me has always evoked nature's beauty creating its own alchemy within and reflecting the changing world all around us. It's a material humankind created over 330 years ago,and the closest we have come I believe as a species to adding untold beauty to the world we live in. It is also the material responsible for many of the technological advances we enjoy in today's world. From cell phones to the most sophisticated computers and telescopes, prismatic light and the crystal lens have been the cornerstones to allowing us to see ourselves more clearly and the universe beyond. Much of my introspective work over the past 25 years has dealt with the human experience and discovery of our shared humanity. So with the GLASSLANDS COLLECTION, it is my hope to build an educational tool to bridge the gap between our understanding of our fragile environment and the need for greater sustainability. This collection will be made from both the purest optical crystal known to humankind,and from reclaimed glass disposed of by humankind. It will define both the beauty we are capable of creating, and the actions of harm we are capable of if we...
Dmitri Ivnitski - I am artist and scientist living in Florida. Painting has always been a central part of my identity as a human being. I am drawn to bold, vibrant colors to create paintings that express my love and passion for life. My paintings are realistic, impressionistic and pop in style. Color plays a major role in my life. My inspiration comes from shining sunsets, charming forests and colorful floral fields. By using oils I work the canvas with brushes to create strokes with lots of texture. I offer original paintings as well as limited edition prints. In 2017-2019, my artworks have shown in numerous Art shows and been chosen twice as a winner in Art Competition, sponsored by Hallandale Cultural Community Center and Jazz Fest Poster Contest, Sunny Isles BCH, Florida. In 2017 and 2019 I had Solo Exhibition. My other passion is a science. I am author of 110 scientific articles, 4 chapters in books, and several patents. This year I have started to use an acrylic painting. I found acrylics gave me great flexibility, thin transparent washes like watercolors enabling me to build up multiple layers of color and thick impasto swathes creating texture and movement. All my ...