Artists Describing Their Art:
Michael Garr - I have been drawing and painting since Junior High. I enjoy quick art, impressionistic yet realistic, and minimal. There are interesting subjects all around us. My inspirations are architecture, people, light and shadow, the sea and boats, imagination... and the old masters. Get out and enjoy your surroundings. All my works are available as signed and numbered prints. I also do commission works, some examples of which are in the portfolio. I donate all proceeds to charity, and have recently teamed with SAVE THE BAY, a local Rhode Island eco-advocate organization, which receives 30 PER CENT of my proceeds. My opportunities for artistic expression have included drawing on napkins during airplane rides and waiting during my sons music lessons. In 2012 I took up oil painting for the first time, and my mentor is Lorena Pugh of North Kingstown. Ive done both Plein air and studio work in her presence, and am benefitting from the association. We have an informal group who meet and paint in Lorenas studio on Monday nights throughout the indoor season. I will continue to pursue art on a daily basis, and post the finished works here and on facebook for any and all to ...
Environmental Artist Apollo - "The beauty of our planet should be held in respect as well as reverence and awe! As the care takers of this precious jewel called Earth it is our duty to become more harmonious with our environment, for what we hold in our hands is a trust for future generations. What we do today, creates tomorrow." APOLLO Internationally Renowned Environmental Artist. Apollo is one of the World's Leading Environmental Artists. Apollo started painting dolphins and whales when He first moved to Maui in 1980. Since that time he has developed a Worldwide Following and has had the privilege to work with several Environmental Groups to raise both funding and awareness. ...
David Larkins - IA-A?A1/2ve always been intrigued by the luminosity and transparencies found in watercolor, Oil and acrylic mediums. I believe an artist must experience the painting A-A?A1/2 to absorb the surroundings, the atmosphere, to have a oneness with the subject matter before the first brush stroke is applied. My style is described as A-A?A1/2Abstract RealismA-A?A1/2 and my strength is found in the composition. IA-A?A1/2m drawn to diverse subject matter that challenges the viewer to see abstraction in the ordinary A-A?A1/2 to meld the A-A?A1/2realA-A?A1/2 world with the A-A?A1/2abstractA-A?A1/2. ...
Tiziana Fejzullaj - My paintings are mostly oil and acrylic on canvas. My work consists of bright, bold colors and is mostly concentrated on nude paintings, human body, and silent nature. The bright reds and yellows make my stand out from the darker background. I always mix my colors before I begin my painting to make sure that the colors on my palette are harmonious. Before I start painting I always make sure I have at least three colors on my palette that are in the red, blue, and yellow tones. Color is what makes a painting stand out to me. Sometimes IAC/a,!a,,C/m drawn to bold color that vibrantly describes the elements in the composition. Other times I am fascinated by the muted palette of a quieter scene. Color is a natural extension rather than the basis of my painting. My creations mainly have the human figure as subject, which is mysterious in its nature. It is not just a face to a body. It is about the body itself, conveying the beauty it has. Showing male figures dressed as females is a strategy to challenge the tradition of the objectification of women. I love the mystique that men have and which ...
Luise Andersen - Luise'Mignon' Andersen Luise'Mignon' Andersen has only recently begun to reveal her lifes work. Soon after her debut she exploded onto the mainstream art world. Her breathtaking pieces have captured international interest. The stories Luise'Mignon' is telling through her truly deep, layered works seem to decipher the past and foretell the future, perhaps sharing her window to other dimensions and a seventh sense. Her detailed acrylic'Mignon' series speaks to the beholder. They inspire raw emotion and ignite ones imagination. The indescribable nature of the "Duree De Ma Vie" in particular has a growing portion of the art community considering it the conception of an entirely new style. By Maxi c)2006 Guided Through Inner Mind- Intuition- Mental Imagery- I Create The Final Of What I Am Consciously Not Aware Of.. That I Want...... Need... With Each Completed Painting... Eye Of Core Gains a Glimpse Of My Tomorrow.... c) LA I crave.. painting...drawing... sculpting... writing... Like re-inventing my life... my purpose... myself.. .Gives me a direction.. the courage to look at myself ..and find'ME' there... At least for the duration of creating.. ....and once I collect these shards of my core within colors, shapes... form...
William Christopherson - The viewer sees a finished canvas. The artist relishes its journey of creation. A thought, a feeling, an experience, a place. These are the most essential of supplies as the artist tasks to expand, explore, and evolve along the path. All are welcome here, to view, appreciate contemplate, and possess the journeys I have made, and the journeys yet to come. Over the past several years I have explored the oil medium, borrowing technique from both historical and present day impressionism. Its a medium I love to work in, even though my wardrobe and studio surfaces have suffered immensely. Much of my work now reflects the pallet knife, and explores a prolific use of heavy colorful brush stroke. Everything continues to evolve, and thats a good thing Enjoy. William Christopherson, 2017 ...
Henry Woody Lindenmeyr - Woodys oil paintings have a refreshing take on landscape painting. Strong, bold, colorful, harmonizing strokes accurately recapitulate his subject in a fantastic manner. It is clear Woody not only has a passion for painting and the mountains, but a deep understanding of them as well. Only with this relationship is the artist able to interpret his subject with such depth and candor. Additionally, Lindenmeyr finds intriguing perspectives that are supported by sturdy composition, and a bold palette. These painterly qualities coalesce on the canvas to create a unique, contemporary work of art. Woody has earned a Fine Arts degree and has managed an art gallery. He has had several shows including a one man exhibit last January. His work hangs in private collections throughout the United States and Australia. Mr. Lindenmeyr resides in Crested Butte, CO with his wife amidst the Rocky Mountains....
Randy Sprout - I grew up in a small town in Northern Iowa, played football, coached the swimming team, and graduated from the University of Iowa with a BA in printmaking studying under Mauricio Lasansky. I then went into the Army and ended up pulling 13 months in Korea on the DMZ. Coming out of Korea I entered UCLA and earned a MA and MFA in printmaking while studying under Jan Stussy and Stanton Mac-Donald Wright. The next year after the funds dried up on my Fulbright Award to Portugal, because of the Angola War, I was lucky to get hired by USC where I taught printmaking as a junior faculty member. I also replaced professors at UCLA when they went on sabaticals, and taught one year at Pierce College. In 1977 I tried Real Estate, you know just for the summer, but by fall I had purchased Century 21 Hollywood Inc. and had a new vocation going. Now 31 years into real estate, I'm coming full circle and starting to paint little quick studies 9X12. I'm using just 1/2 inch brushes and 5 colors. I intentionally limit my time to 2 hours after which I stop and throw ...
Durlabh Singh - Sice R.Mutt's urinal, visual art in the western world has suffered a shock & a decline.It has become mere conceptual & has gone back to literary traditions of making statements.Abstraction has become a puritan's attitude of non-depiction of human body in a dignified form.My art is a sort of revolt against this kind of pseudo-intellectualism. My art takes account of both biological & metaphysical aspect of human body.It is a breakthrough to new levels of reality creating significant forms necessary for development of human spirit. I welcome any suggestions or comments regarding my work. If anyone is interested in buying please contact me.Main aim of my art has never been financial gains. I have exhibited all over the world including India, Kenya, Helsinki, Paris, London & New york etc.My work is in private & public collections incliding Ministry Of DefenceLondon & Horniman Museum London....
Durlabh Singh -
Vasily Zolottsev - There is only one law in art which carries objective character and comes from the very nature, conditional character and illusiveness of art! It is an indispensable condition of creation of an artistic image! It is necessary to judge an artwork by intensity and importance of the image and force of its emotional influence! Style, manner and technique donaEURtmt have any importance and they are equivalent! The good picture of a primitive artist can be much more valuable in the art sense than a aEUR~competentaEURtm picture of a realist and on the contrary! If there is an image, there is a work of art, if there isnaEURtmt, itaEURtms no use crying for the moon! And it is not important which art means it has been reached by! Everyone to his aEUR~ownaEURtm taste! ...
Russell Hansen - Master Photographer Russell Lee Hansen has been a professional photographer since 1986. When he was still in grade school Russell developed his art skills using oils and watercolor. He has been Nebraska photographer of the year, In the PPofA Loan collection several times and honored with many Judges awards from print competition. Russell developed his skills in digital imageing and found it to be the perfect marriage between his photography and his art skills. His photography has been displayed at Epcot, PPofA's traveling loan collection, and general collection. "I want people who see my work to relate to it somehow. Hopefully my images can evoke a feeling rather it be calmness, sadness, power, or a rememberence of times gone by." Russell Lee Hansen...
Maria Teresa Fernandes - Admiring TeresaA's paintings we are touched by her pictorial sensitivity. Difficult task in light colors (volume and transparencies on a clear basis). Few do it due to the required dedication with pallete knife(no brush).ItA's painting consacrated by the love to paint. Radha Abramo(Renowned art critique)comments at Solo Exhibition Catalog at SESC Paulista in June 84 -( sent at request and reproduced in one of the pages of this site). ...
Antonino Puliafico - Antonino Puliafico developed his artistic style from an early age. He was always fascinated by landscapes and rural realities, and thus was often inspired by the splendid landscapes of his city of Verona, Italy. The atmosphere and colors of the vast hills and countryside make their way into PuliaficoAC/a,!a,,C/s paintings where he recreates them with more personalized shades. Puliafico believes artistic energy comes from the stomach, where it is visceral and not controlled. This energy, when transferred to the canvases, does not produce a photographic or realistic portrayal of what Antonino sees, but rather supplies the viewer with an intentional breakdown of colors and primary components. The purity of applied pigments in full-bodied strokes creates a chromatic chaos indicative of the Fauvist and Impressionist movements. At a very young age, I became enamoured with the process of creating colorful dancers with colored chalk on a blackboard, then turning the blackboard like a compass. The end result were hourglass figures that seemed to dance through the air. I intend my paintings to be consumed quickly, but to leave a prolonged visual aftertaste that amalgamates and changes every time the work is observed. The purity of the applied pigments invites ...
Tanya Hansen - Tanya Hansen Artist Statement My paintings are largely autobiographical, an acute observation of the constant transformation of everything that enters my life. The bridge linking life and art is the surface I work upon in graphic design. By immersing myself in it, I go beyond myself, and become increasingly free. I use it to investigate, explore, manipulate and ultimately celebrate the way in which we see, in which we perceive things. This becomes a valuable exchange, a window between two worlds AC/a,!aEUR an inner one and an outer one. Painting, like and life itself, is a journey. I visualize what I want to achieve yet without the knowledge of how I am going to reach my destination. My satisfaction results not from my successful arrival, but from the discoveries and inventions I encounter en route. My journey begins with feeling, then thought. Shape and color follow with the harmony between texture and gesture being my obsession. As I symbolically gather the pieces of the puzzle, my main interest, my subject is the light, the subtle equilibrium between light and shadow. The complex interaction between memories and the idea of memory is my theme. What is interesting is what is timeless, neither ...
Terri Flowers - God given creativity and love of nature inspire me to continue to make, paint, carve, sculpt, and draw from what we have been given on our planet to enjoy. It's all a gift, not to be taken for granted. I appreciate what we have and hope to add a little color of my own....