Philosophy Art For Sale

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Browse 99 Philosophy artworks for sale. Contemporary artists: Geo Kat, Denise Dalzell, Charles Cham, Wendy Lippincott, Lou Posner, Sarah Longlands, Rickie Dickerson, Shoshannah Brombacher, Hannes Hofstetter, Chad A. Carino, Karen Aghamyan, Richard Wynne, Izya Shlosberg, Karl James, Di Bonaventura Francescomaria, Bernhard Luettmer, Melody Greenlief, Aleksandra Rusremaj offering Philosophy artworks. Links to more artworks by these contemporary artists and 4 pages for and further artists at the bottom of this page. To view a work by any of these contemporary artists simply click on the image or browse the artist's portfolio. To buy any Philosophy art simply click on the image to go to a more detailed page about this work of art.

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, 2019
Philosophy - Painting
35 x 25 cm (13.8 x 9.8 inches)
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Denise Dalzell: 'amidst', 2018 Acrylic Painting, Philosophy. painting, amidst, illustration, expressionism, pop art, modern, realism.  a scene from within an afternoon commute. ...
, 2018
Philosophy - Painting
28 x 24 inches (71.1 x 61.0 cm)
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Charles Cham: '2282 BLACK IS BLACK', 2015 Oil Painting, Philosophy. Charles CHAMA-A? A1/2s works are based on the philosophy of Yin and Yang A-A? A1/2 the duality of life and the attraction of opposites.  The Yin and Yang paintings are actually two paintings on one canvas and with two signatures, each facing in the opposite direction.A-A? A1/2I believe that drawing is thinking ...
Philosophy - Painting
61 x 76.4 cm (24.0 x 30.1 inches)
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Wendy Lippincott: 'Red Period', 2012 Oil Painting, Philosophy.  Lenin, Marx, Russian Revolution, Russia, Communism    ...
, 2012
Philosophy - Painting
24 x 30 inches (61.0 x 76.2 cm)
Lou Posner: 'Dread', 1998 Oil Painting, Philosophy.  The title says it all. ...
, 1998
Philosophy - Painting
40 x 50 inches (101.6 x 127.0 cm)
Sarah Longlands: 'Undecided Tulip by Full Moon', 2006 Acrylic Painting, Philosophy.   Which Way Now?                 ...
Philosophy - Painting
85 x 130 cm (33.5 x 51.2 inches)
Sarah Longlands: 'Marani sur la Chaise', 1999 Oil Painting, Philosophy.   Mariani violin on my Regency chair.         ...
Philosophy - Painting
40 x 40 cm (15.7 x 15.7 inches)
Rickie Dickerson: 'Look at things differently, first of a series', 2007 Color Photograph, Philosophy.   I like to change my poimt of view. Beauty is found in the most out of the way places.  ...
Philosophy - Photograph
12 x 16 inches (30.5 x 40.6 cm)
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Shoshannah Brombacher: 'one hour', 2005 Gouache Drawing, Philosophy.  Said the assover Rebbe:
, 2005
Philosophy - Drawing
12 x 18 inches (30.5 x 45.7 cm)
Shoshannah Brombacher: 'Time', 2001 Pastel, Philosophy.
, 2001
Philosophy - Pastel
18 x 24 inches (45.7 x 61.0 cm)
Hannes  Hofstetter: 'trans', 2002 Other Painting, Philosophy. Hannes Hofstetter,  TRANS , 200285 x 90 cmTrans, Devangary, Transition...
, 2002
Philosophy - Painting
90 x 85 cm (35.4 x 33.5 inches)
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Chad A. Carino: 'The Endless Canvas', 2007 Other Painting, Philosophy.  This was painted a little bit at a time over the course of four years. . . each stroke took place immediately upon waking and. . . well. . . do you know what you are thinking right after you wake up? ...
Philosophy - Painting
24 x 18 inches (61.0 x 45.7 cm)
Karen Aghamyan: 'contemplating an applel', 2009 Oil Painting, Philosophy.
Philosophy - Painting
100 x 110 cm (39.4 x 43.3 inches)
Richard Wynne: 'Buddha Weeps', 2014 Mixed Media, Philosophy.    Dance, spanish dance, contemporary, representational, movement, hispanic, traditional dance.  ...
Philosophy - Mixed Media
10 x 16 inches (25.4 x 40.6 cm)
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Izya Shlosberg: 'Another Game', 2012 Oil Painting, Philosophy.   surreal, romantic, Shlosberg, Russian, oil  ...
Philosophy - Painting
36 x 48 inches (91.4 x 121.9 cm)
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Karl James: 'temptation', 2011 Oil Painting, Philosophy.   the temptation of blue collar workers  ...
, 2011
Philosophy - Painting
100 x 100 cm (39.4 x 39.4 inches)
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Karl James: 'temptation and Tao', 2011 Oil Painting, Philosophy.  the temptation of blue collar workers ...
Philosophy - Painting
100 x 100 cm (39.4 x 39.4 inches)
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Di Bonaventura Francescomaria: 'paperino', 2010 Other, Philosophy.  olio su rame     ...
, 2010
Philosophy - Other
90 x 90 cm (35.4 x 35.4 inches)
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Di Bonaventura Francescomaria: 'colpito', 2010 Other, Philosophy.     olio su rame    ...
, 2010
Philosophy - Other
60 x 60 cm (23.6 x 23.6 inches)
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Di Bonaventura Francescomaria: 'dino', 2010 Other, Philosophy.    olio su rame   ...
, 2010
Philosophy - Other
60 x 60 cm (23.6 x 23.6 inches)
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Di Bonaventura Francescomaria: 'sauro', 2010 Other, Philosophy.   olio su rame  ...
, 2010
Philosophy - Other
60 x 60 cm (23.6 x 23.6 inches)
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Di Bonaventura Francescomaria: 'silenzio', 2010 Other, Philosophy.  olio su rame ...
, 2010
Philosophy - Other
60 x 60 cm (23.6 x 23.6 inches)
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Di Bonaventura Francescomaria: 'malaria', 2010 Other, Philosophy.
, 2010
Philosophy - Other
30 x 30 cm (11.8 x 11.8 inches)
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Bernhard Luettmer: 'o t', 2010 Color Photograph, Philosophy.                                Landscape in Tuscany/ Landscape, italy, tuscany, morning, totady, tree, architecture, places                               ...
, 2010
Philosophy - Photograph
70 x 100 cm (27.6 x 39.4 inches)
Bernhard Luettmer: 'Der Nebel III', 2010 Black and White Photograph, Philosophy.                               Landscape in Tuscany/ Landscape, italy, tuscany, morning, totady, tree, architecture, places                              ...
Philosophy - Photograph
70 x 100 cm (27.6 x 39.4 inches)
Bernhard Luettmer: 'Hotel  Romeo and Julia ', 2010 Black and White Photograph, Philosophy.                              Landscape in Tuscany/ Landscape, italy, tuscany, morning, totady, tree, architecture, places                             ...
Philosophy - Photograph
70 x 100 cm (27.6 x 39.4 inches)
Melody Greenlief: 'Red Hat Lady', 2009 Watercolor, Philosophy.  A happy little lady with her red hat and glass of wine wishes you good cheer with a twinkle in her eye. ...
Philosophy - Watercolor
8 x 10 inches (20.3 x 25.4 cm)
Aleksandra Rusremaj: 'The wall 3', 2009 Color Photograph, Philosophy.    imagination, wall, life, enviroment,pop, colors,hue, jazzy, saturation,art, photography, color calibration        ...
, 2009
Philosophy - Photograph
14 x 18 cm (5.5 x 7.1 inches)
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Aleksandra Rusremaj: 'The wall 2', 2009 Color Photograph, Philosophy.   imagination, wall, life, enviroment,pop, colors,hue, jazzy, saturation,art, photography, color calibration       ...
, 2009
Philosophy - Photograph
14 x 18 cm (5.5 x 7.1 inches)
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Aleksandra Rusremaj: 'The wall', 2009 Color Photograph, Philosophy.  imagination, wall, life, enviroment,pop, colors,hue, jazzy, saturation,art, photography, color calibration      ...
, 2009
Philosophy - Photograph
14 x 18 cm (5.5 x 7.1 inches)
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(Page 1 of 4) - MORE ARTWORKS

Artists Describing Their Art:

Geo Kat - ART as THERAPY... __________________Why not, art as therapy ...ok, which is my inspiration.... hmm, ok, yes, all the old masters and ...nature. All the Other human been I can say... Personas very different in space and time, like Praxiteles or Botticelli or Candinsky. .......... Of course we, humans, we are nature, part of nature, part of natures mystery...... May be my well effort as an artist is to explore this mysterious and fantastic world, and create an art that is not exist yet, as an invention...............or you can say exists, but is not expressed into existence yet. And this art exists as a living person full of dreams of colours of happiness, good will and healing matter. ________________ I suppose also that my inspiration is whatever still lives underneath this ancient old city, Athens....................... What are you thinking ...

Denise Dalzell - Painting. Illustration. Expressionism. Pop Art. Modern. Realism and, occasionally, a bit of Abstraction. My current work centers on my consideration of how we respond to each other, the stories that develop between us and around us, and how our collective stories reflect on and influence us individually. How our stories bounce off each other and combine to create new stories. My paintings are illustrations of the scenes that I encounter during my travels abroad and in daily life so, some scenes are more sweeping than others. How do we, as people of differing backgrounds, cultures, and experiences interact with each other Are we different people in a crowd than when alone How do we fit in or stand out where we find ourselves at any given moment, in any given story Stories are everywhere, and thereAC/a,!a,,C/s no predicting what theyAC/a,!a,,C/ll reveal. Body language, movement, color, contrast combine to illustrate my scenes of interaction between people and within environments. The excitement of being a part of something as unifying as a protest, the sense of adventure that comes from starting out with no particular destination, intimate moments with those we love and those we discover in the big events...

Denise Dalzell - Wendy Lippincott - Complex allegories dominate the many themes that pervade Ms. Lippincott's paintings. She prefers incorporating science into her art, consistent with her background in electrical engineering, but often gets waylaid with mythological and historical visions. Her paintings are currently only available for licensing. She hopes to have prints available soon. ...

Lou Posner - FLASH New offer on the classic 1982 Posners Pocket Guide to Oil Painting. Hand-written, then reproduced by offset process. Hand-assembled. Original, unique art attached to EVERY cover. No two alike. Some in oil paint, some in other media. Collectors item. Best pocket guide to oil painting, ever. For beginners as well as advanced artists. 450 dollars each plus first class postage. Indiana residents add 7 percent sales tax to merchandise not including postage and shipping. Selection of cover art offered, but not guaranteed. Use email messaging here to contact the artist. No postage if you pick it up about 10 mi. north of Tell City, Indiana. Not set up for credit card sales. Check or cash only. Buy one or more, OR later on, kick yourself in the behind for passing up a real bargain and an investment opportunity. After you reach the main or first Posner portfolio page, the tour is pretty intuitive. Please click on an image to enlarge it and bring up further details about the piece of art and a description or story about it. Once you have done this, you may also click on zoom-in, a function, which may or may not...

Sarah Longlands - I trained at Bristol and Manchester, where I gained a BA hons and completed my post-graduate studies at University College London Slade School of Art. In the words of one of my collectors Ostensibly realistic, her work goes beyond this to explore the nature of reality, and of time and space. The artworks are refined, emphasizing her knowledge and meticulousness in the chosen medium. But her art is not just representational it also has a rare imaginative flair. The objects are changed into something which is beyond the original and which creates a kind of parallel ideal artistic reality. If this sounds a little like surrealism, then maybe that is not so far from the truth, but the work is subtler than that. Having previously exhibited in many exhibitions in both the United Kingdom and France, Gold Fish Galleries in Sarasota, Florida then in the Lincoln Centre in New York and done many commissions for people both in London, the provinces but also in The United States, I finished a commission from Cunard Line in 2003, through the art consultants Onderneming Kunst to do six oil paintings for the penthouses on board the new Queen Mary 2, launched in ...

Rickie Dickerson - I work from the core, I smear my guts on the canvas, all the pain and, lust and anger...right before your very eyes. I have to paint, I have no choice. My mentor, Luise "Mignon" Andersen, introduced me to acrylic paint and threw me deeper into the river of creativity. Everything I do is just to keep me from drowning... As for the photography, that's compulsive as well....

Shoshannah Brombacher - Art makes the world within the artist visible. Classical music, poetry, Jewish and Chassidic stories, traveling, the love for people and memories of eras gone but not forgotten, cities where I lived and worked, like Amsterdam, Berlin, Jerusalem, New York, or visited, like Prague and Sicily, are the main ingredients of my art. My art is like the water of the canals of my native Amsterdam, Rembrandts city, the deeper you look into it, the more you see. A reflection of a reflection of a reflection...look, what you see is not what you see. My art contains texts and letters, lets writing come alive, and reflects my deep connection with the Dutch 17th century Masters, German expressionism, Russian art and medieval miniatures. My art is also a tribute to music and the world of the great Chassidic masters of Eastern Europe. The Kotzker Rebbe listened to a Chassidic storyteller in the street and stated He told what he wanted and I heard what I needed. That is Art. ...

Chad A. Carino - A quality which defines the life of any urban artist is the visible entropy surrounding us in the form of decay and despoilation of the desolation defining post-industrial urban America. Simply put, we live in darkness. This quality bends and controls me, defining my work, decaying into darkness and chaos. A solid idea will find itself dissolving into a series of dark scribbles, and a simple concept will belie its ultimate complexity. These images find themselves hovering between unconsiousness and depression; ultimately, cold, dark, and dead, like any planet or person....

Richard Wynne - Richard is an acclaimed International Artist recently returned to the USA. Richard has lived in many Countries. aEURThe last being Thailland. He started his art studies at a very young age at the John Herron Art Institute In Indianapolis, Indiana and then later at the Art Institute of Chicago Richard has lived in many countries, painting, and playing music. Mr Wynne has exhibited in Thailand, the United States, Spain, Argentina, Kuwait, Korea, Ihdia, and other Countries. Sometimes perhaps I say too much about my self but maybe it helps people understand what motivates my work. For your information I've lived in 8 different countries and have been around the world 5 times. I speak a few different languages, some very well; others not so well. By the way I am not a workaholic as I don't consider what I do work. I enjoy life too much. I forgot to say I am also a weight lifter as lifting weights is my Zen. When I am troubled the concentration it takes to lift makes me calm. I guess my page will probably be a little different from what people expect. Sorry I have not been uploading new work as ...

Bernhard Luettmer - The project is to create the image with a short composition as I wanted at times I took in here. Timing and movements of the camera or the machinery are important resources. Photography is listen to the world as we hear a beloved piece of music. For example: I see a tree just in vegetation, the wind gentle caresses the new leaves, the light shines and you hear all this on the skin. Now take a picture with the knowledge that this concentration and on the negative is something of the feeling....