Artists Describing Their Art:
Sarah Longlands - I trained at Bristol and Manchester, where I gained a BA hons and completed my post-graduate studies at University College London Slade School of Art. In the words of one of my collectors Ostensibly realistic, her work goes beyond this to explore the nature of reality, and of time and space. The artworks are refined, emphasizing her knowledge and meticulousness in the chosen medium. But her art is not just representational it also has a rare imaginative flair. The objects are changed into something which is beyond the original and which creates a kind of parallel ideal artistic reality. If this sounds a little like surrealism, then maybe that is not so far from the truth, but the work is subtler than that. Having previously exhibited in many exhibitions in both the United Kingdom and France, Gold Fish Galleries in Sarasota, Florida then in the Lincoln Centre in New York and done many commissions for people both in London, the provinces but also in The United States, I finished a commission from Cunard Line in 2003, through the art consultants Onderneming Kunst to do six oil paintings for the penthouses on board the new Queen Mary 2, launched in ...
Marino Chanlatte - I started painting a long time before I realized it was my passion, and that I would be a painter. I felt the inner need to express through painting, in a freely and spontaneous way, my feelings, thoughts, ideas and fantasies that appeared as visions ... I use color, texture, shapes, light, and shadows to express myself. If my work communicates any emotion or feeling to the viewer, then I accomplished my purpose....
Austen Pinkerton - Austen Pinkerton If I turn my mind to it very quickly I can come up with several ideas for works aEUR|paintings, drawings, or sculptures. Sometimes ideas come to me when I least expect it, or when my mind is on other things. Ideas can be related to my current experiences, or to my feelings about things that are happening to me in my life at that particular time. Alternatively they can be related to a current interest, or something that occupies my attention at that moment, and my ideas and feelings about which Id like to share with others. A lot of my work is autobiographicalaEUR|either directly or indirectly, consciously or subconsciously. It is frequently very personal, and expresses events or circumstances or experiences in my life. I usually work in either Acrylic on Canvas, Crayon or Pastel, or both together, with Gouache, on card, Drawing in pencil, or Ink, or both, or with creating SculptureaEUR|for which I use fired artists clay. Sculpture follows a completely different set of rules and values from two-dimensional art, obviously, I think of it as Drawing in three dimensions and I take this into account when creating mine. In all my...
Austen Pinkerton -
Eve Co - I began painting and drawing in 1987 and have not stopped. I have a wide range from, landscapes, still-lifes, Hubble art galaxies nebulas, abstracts, florals, architectural art and so much more. I draw every day and paint as much as I can afford. I paint more watercolors than acrylic and oil canvas art. I would prefer more canvas art, but I make do with what I have. I try to express myself in artwork as well as with words. I paint landscapes, the glorious colors of nature, water, the ever expressive sky and more, primarily with watercolors on paper. These paintings are usually thought out and planned because they represent nature as I see nature. I paint still-lifes of everyday objects. To teach me about one particular color, shading and or painting glass. I think of still-lifes as a learning process that literally has me pulling my hair out in frustration, but I still paint through how they make me feel... I am fascinated with Hubble Space Technology so, I paint galaxies and nebulas on canvas with acrylic paints. I have sold many of these paintings and I must admit they are some of my favorite subjects...
C. A. Hoffman - For me, my artwork is very personal. It reflects a lot about how I am feeling at any given time and place. I feel that art has to be on this personal level to completely capture how the artist is feeling daily, or trying to convey a certain thought or emotion at that particular moment. We all, at one time or another try to express our thoughts or ideas, whether it is to others or just to ourselves, by words, actions, ideas or pictures. If we are sucessful in this attempt, I think it shows through in our everyday work or art. I believe that one is either born to create art naturally or by learning. For me, I feel that I was born with this wonderful gift, and I try to improve upon it every day. In my photos and art, I hope to show how everyday objects and nature can capture our imaginations and feelings. Sometimes I work with an image to improve it, inhance it, or just to fuel the imagination. I truly hope this shows in all of my art. ...
Plamen Yordanov - I share the idea of an art that creates reality instead of offering its conventional model. I want to provoke the birth of view that go beyond the boundary of reality itself. These viewpoints stress an order that exist "a priory" in nature and can be developed again and again. This aspect makes the picture exist as a signal that gives the onlooker a chance to go deep into his/her life experience and mind. This is a universal signal to which the individual responds in un unique manner and creates his/her own reality. ...
Maria Teresa Fernandes - Admiring Teresa's paintings we are touched by her pictorial sensitivity. Difficult task in light colors (volume and transparencies on a clear basis). Few do it due to the required dedication with pallete knife(no brush).It's painting consacrated by the love to paint. Radha Abramo(Renowned art critique)comments at Solo Exhibition Catalog at SESC Paulista in June 84 -( sent at request and reproduced in one of the pages of this site). ...
Jerry Cox - Jerry Graduated from WestminsterWilliam Woods College in Fulton Mo in 1978 with a BFa, Jerry concentrated on Sculpture, Drawing and Watercolor. His sculpture work then was mainly wood constructions and carvings. Soon after graduation Jerry began restoring Juke boxes, Slot machines and old arcade memorabilia. He joined the St. Louis Artist Guild, the oldest Art organization west of the Mississippi, 130 years old this year and has been a member since and is now the Vice President. In 1982 Jerry started working for an antique restorer that also built reproduction furniture. In 1986 Jerry started his own business restoring antiques and building furniture. During this time the Furniture as Art movement grew as a craft and Jerry pursued that line of work and still does to this day as his main profession. About 2002 Jerry started using the lathe as an integral part of his sculptural work. The work often starts on the lathe only to be cut, carved and pieced together to form new shapes often with a Christian or Sci fi theme. Today Jerry heads the Fine Wood Division of NewSpace inc, overseeing the production of fine furniture and cabinetry. The sculptures are created is his 1600 square ...
Laisk Serg - Idioeia. Nae/an y yoi iacuaath - oie/oiaeeoaeu iiaiaaaniuo nee. Oiaaa yoi auee CDA IAI ( Caieoii-daeaoiua aienea idioeaiaicaooiie iaidiiu NNND). An,, /oi iia inoaeinu a ianeaanoai ec oie aeecie, yoi ideau/ea niiodaou a iaai. Iniaaiii ii/uth, eiaaa Nedeon naiei ydeei iadoaieai iaiiieiaao i oii, /oi y aua aeea. Ianoiyuaa. Iunee i Aa/iii. Iinoaiiaea aiidina - aeeou eee ia aeeou, aaconeiaii, neeiiyaony e - AEEOU. Ii oaeia niadoe, a oi/iaa aiidina i aeecie iinea niadoe, a oi/iaa, i oii, /oi aea iaoiaeony ca adaiuth, aa/ii ia aaaae iieiy ethayi ai ana adaiaia. A oii /enea, iiaeao a aieuoae noaiaie, /ai ideiyoi, yoio aiidin ia aaaae iieiy e iia a ia/aea e idiaieaeaao canoaaeyou aidi/aouny ai nia, ii nae aaiu. Iiyoiio y eae au e ia ooaiaeiee, a neidaa denothuee enneaaiaaoaeu nooe auoey. Anoanoaaiii, aeaaiay oaeu ioeduou yoo oaeio. Eiaiii yoi aaiadedoao iaiy aio oaea neidi eae aaaaoaou eao. Aoaouaa. Ideaeeceouny, iieneaou iiaua iooe, dacaidioeou Nouaa, iaiadoaeeou iaaeaaiiia, ideioeduou caaano e acaeyioou /adac iaeaio aa/iinoe a aeaca AIAO. The past. Now I it name - destroyed celestial forces. Then it were CDA air defense (antiaircraft-rocket armies of antiaircraft defense of the USSR). Everything that remains to me in the inheritance from that life, it is a habit to look in the sky. Especially at night when Sirius the bright blinking reminds that I am still live. The present. Thoughts about Eternal. Question statement - to live or not to live, certainly, tends - to LIVE. But secret of death, to be exact a question on life after death, to be exact, that is behind a side, eternally didn't give rest to people at all times. Including, can in a greater degree, than it is accepted, this question didn't give rest and me in the beginning and continues to force to toss and turn, to this day. Therefore I as though and not the artist, and am faster the drawing researcher of an essence of life. Naturally, the overall objective to reveal this secret. It generates me here already soon as twenty years. The future. To come nearer, look for new ways, to stir Real, to find out unprecedented, to slightly open a veil and to look through an eternity...