Valentina Vaillant - I started with just a box and a cut out piece for a window. That day 10 years later I realized Art was in my blood. I graduated from New York Academy Of Art. With the certificate in my hands I felt like a official artist. I make sculptures, 2D and 3D. The materials I use are cardboard, fabric, newspaper, beads, wire, glass and clay. I focus on those materials because those are reused recycling thing that shouldnt go to waist. I in the near future will experiment with other things like wood, screws, wall pins, and more. My sculptures majority are about animals. I love animals because theyre smart and independent.they are born knowing how to walk and what theyre able to eat. They care for eachothere, some more than others, but to be compleatly real we are the worst animals of them all. Im absolutely infuriated and hurt because the abuse and meaningless killing, the torture in factory farming and in animal experiment testing. People avoid these things because they only think of themselves and how they dont wanna get hurt from what they bad thing they see instead of helping. Wake up and see the real ...
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