Artists Describing Their Art:
Vanessa Bernal - ArtistaEURtms statement: My earliest childhood memories are those of painting with my grandfather and frequently visiting the Art Institute of Chicago where we would spend countless hours together. He taught me that everything we come in contact with has the potential of becoming a work of art. My grandfather and I would take walks together to hunt for aEURoetreasuresaEUR of discarded objects that later he would turn into beautiful collages and assemblages. It is those lessons I carry with me and aEUR"today- in my work I see his influence. I have never been comfortable with expressing myself verbally. I am not one to strike up a conversation with a stranger, nor do I feel comfortable speaking to a group of people. Visual expression comes naturally to me; it is through this means I can best communicate with others and feel the most comfortable. At a young age I became aware of the injustices being perpetrated in the world and was deeply disenchanted with the political process as a means of creating effective change in our global community. For me, becoming an artist was inevitable. Through the visual arts not only did I communicate my lifeaEURtms passions, my fears, ...
Leif Mårdh - To paint has always been a challenge to me. My uncle was a painter and my father was a sculptor, carving in wood. I learned a lot from them. Although I was very indeterminate as a young how to express my- self on canvas and develop my painting, how to chose style and media. I was a great admirer of the expressionists as well as of surrealists like Salvador Dali. Still very unsure of where is my homeyard in the enormous cityblocks of art I let the brush be conducted by in- fluence of my emotions. Sometimes resulting in creatures with yelling faces in a mess of colours, sometimes in themes in abstemious reticence. ...
Arnold Grace Jr - I cannot imagine what my life would be without the ability to express my inner-most thoughts, dreams and other realities in a visual manner. I express myself through acrylic and oil paintings, mostly on canvas medium.The urge to recreate and interpret my internal and external stimulants is primal and brings me much satisfaction. I do not limit myself to any particular style. However I do tend to paint in an impressionistic form, verging on surrealism, imaginative and figurative representation also. My designs are not complicated or over worked images, but are effective statements of my experiences, augmented by the use of brilliant shimmering color composed from a tight pallette of primary and secondary colors. My subjects are people scenes, landscapes, seascapes and whatever I am compelled to do....
Richard Wynne - Richard is an acclaimed International Artist recently returned to the USA. Richard has lived in many Countries. aEURThe last being Thailland. He started his art studies at a very young age at the John Herron Art Institute In Indianapolis, Indiana and then later at the Art Institute of Chicago Richard has lived in many countries, painting, and playing music. Mr Wynne has exhibited in Thailand, the United States, Spain, Argentina, Kuwait, Korea, Ihdia, and other Countries. Sometimes perhaps I say too much about my self but maybe it helps people understand what motivates my work. For your information I've lived in 8 different countries and have been around the world 5 times. I speak a few different languages, some very well; others not so well. By the way I am not a workaholic as I don't consider what I do work. I enjoy life too much. I forgot to say I am also a weight lifter as lifting weights is my Zen. When I am troubled the concentration it takes to lift makes me calm. I guess my page will probably be a little different from what people expect. Sorry I have not been uploading new work as ...
Yuming Zhu - I land my brush with the force of a giant rock splashing into the ocean. I am not looking for a beautiful painting, but to express Life itself. Painting is just like a stacking of passions. Painting is a method of striping myself naked and facing the truth of my inner emotion. I invite the viewer to experience through my paintings the joy of being alive right at this moment. I believe I can do lots of things, but painting and poetry are the best beloved channels to express my complicated emotions. Originally from Shanghai, Yuming began studying under the masters at a young age. After his BA from China, Yuming came to the States and graduated from Sonoma State University with his MA in 1991. Working in oils, pastels and ChineseSumi Watercolors, Yumings work is a unique blend of East meets West artistry. It is a style that Yuming refers to as Transism, in reference to the constantly evolving interests, which include observations on modern life, a love of music, and an exploration of his own unique heritage. I paint to achieve balance and harmony. Once I reach that, I will for sure break itAC/a,!A AC/a,!A"My art is just...
Leonard Parker - Dr. Leonard W. Parker's artistic style lends realism to his landscapes and seascapes by viewing both from a distance or up close! As a university professor, he has grasped the techniques of oil painting from his own personal research and study. His works have been displayed locally, but his desire is to gain wider notariety. Parker has adopted the phrase "'Scapes in oil" to tell both buyers and sellers that his greatest love is representing as real as possible God's wonderful world in which we live! One would desire to display his landscapes and seascapes in a variety of settings. Dr. Parker also has had commissioned art from photographs. Buyers of his artwork have come to cherish their original oil painting on canvas as heirlooms. ...
Javier Cañete - My name is Javier CaA+-ete. I'm from Argentina. My art is developed through the batik, acrylic painting and photography. In that I develop my restlessness and convictions, always treating that the beauty prevails. At the moment I expose my works in Buenos Aires but my art is in many places of the world. That is something that honors me and full with happiness....
Corinne Medina-Saludo - Corinne Medina-Saludo: Creating a Figurative Kinestesic Art The basis of the art of this french contemporary painterA-A?A1/2s research is the " body-mind", or better said, "body lenguage": the painter using her inside physical and emotionnal feelings, as a medium, and also, intention of her art. In her painting act, a mental representation of the body is, at least, coming into the canvas, as a plastic element of of "painted sintaxis" She is a member of Taylor's Fundation of Paris, since 2006, and represented by Drouot-Cotation since 2000. She recently exhibited some featured works, as "Resurrection" in the Miami Museum of the Americas", ( 2010 july, International ART Exhibition). ...
Sigmund Sieminski - Stating of the obvious....."art" is always a matter of perception.or as the infamous Popeye the Sailorman was quoted... "I ain't no physicist, but I know what matter's". ART reminds me of lifes' most essential ingredient..that being water. It is fluid, can freeze moments in time, and can transport you. And in its gaseous state is as etherial as the concept of art itself. ...
Laurie Vaughn - Primarily, my inspiration is derivitive of the New York School art movement genre of abstract expressionism. Additionally, I incorporate expressionist painting influences, derived from the CoBrA art, German Expressionism, in creating my personal brand, of representational, expressionist painting. Taking formal techniques from the CoBrA and New York School art movement, I blend subliminal nuances emanating from sources of inspiration, that are as diverse as Japanese calligraphy to the tribal art, of the Dogon. Utilizing a layering of abstract expressionist painting applications, I reference the oevres of expressionist artists that includes: Jackson Pollock, Lee Krasner, Joan Mitchell, Willem deKooning, Hans Hofmann, Robert Motherwell, and lesser known, abstract expressionism art movement painters. Representational techniques have been strongly influenced by the bold, vibrant, and colorful expressionist painting genre of significant CoBrA art movement icons, including: Cornielle, Karel Appel, Rooskens, Eugene Brands, Lucebert and Asger Jorn.I prefer to work in mixed media, incorporating gesso, tempera, acrylic, enamel and oil on canvas. My goal is to create individual series, dominated by influences from a combination of artists, overlaid with my personal interpretation or social commentary on events that effect us all....
Pegasus Gallery - The Gallery Pegasus The Gallery Pegasus was opened in 1989 by Vera Ennis and Pat Ramsay. This was the brainchild of a former General Manager of the Pegasus Hotel, who approached Pat Ramsay, who was then the Curator of the Mutual Life Gallery. From inception, the Gallery Pegasus has always promoted a standard of excellence worthy of its importance on the Jamaican Art scene. At all times we showcase the highest standard of Jamaican paintings and sculptures. The Gallery allows easy accessibility for both local and foreign artists to exhibit their works, as they seek to revolutionise the way forward in the arts. The Gallery continues to discover emerging Artists and promote established Artists. The Gallery Pegasus opened its doors with a cutting edge because of its ideal location. It is located in the lower lobby of the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel which is one of the most popular Hotels in New Kingston. This of course naturally lends itself to more viewers and potential buyers, making us one of the preferred choices. ...
Randy Sprout - I grew up in a small town in Northern Iowa, played football, coached the swimming team, and graduated from the University of Iowa with a BA in printmaking studying under Mauricio Lasansky. I then went into the Army and ended up pulling 13 months in Korea on the DMZ. Coming out of Korea I entered UCLA and earned a MA and MFA in printmaking while studying under Jan Stussy and Stanton Mac-Donald Wright. The next year after the funds dried up on my Fulbright Award to Portugal, because of the Angola War, I was lucky to get hired by USC where I taught printmaking as a junior faculty member. I also replaced professors at UCLA when they went on sabaticals, and taught one year at Pierce College. In 1977 I tried Real Estate, you know just for the summer, but by fall I had purchased Century 21 Hollywood Inc. and had a new vocation going. Now 31 years into real estate, I'm coming full circle and starting to paint little quick studies 9X12. I'm using just 1/2 inch brushes and 5 colors. I intentionally limit my time to 2 hours after which I stop and throw ...