Paintings For Sale - Price Range: $800 - $899

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Discover 1,038 original painting artworks for sale between $800 - $899. Contemporary emerging artists: Alberto Antonucci, Massimo Zilioli are exhibiting their affordable original art. You can buy artwork online and browse 36 pages for more originals at the end of this page. To view detailed information for any of these artworks click the image or browse the artist's portfolio website.

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Massimo Zilioli: 'Meta phisic room 13', 2000 Acrylic Painting, Interior. Original paintings, mixed media: Acrylics, paper, calc...
Interior - Painting
80 x 100 cm (31.5 x 39.4 inches)
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  • Artists Describing Their Art:

    Massimo Zilioli - I am born in the' 53, to Turin (Italy), but I consider an italian stateless person. To the age of 19 years I take the sea, beginning to furrow the blue of the world with the uniform of official of the Italian merchant marine, and under - activity, amatorial and not, like astrologer, painter, musician; for last the activity of goldsmith with which I will stop sailing for the seas of the world, I had 40 years. In the'99 I take artistic diploma to the L.S. " P. Klee ", one beautiful experience, enriching. Currently I have a employment that concurs me to survive, with the rest I alive. I have collected into this site my meta-phisical paintings with a sure thematic order, not temporal since to times the " topics ", during my artistic production, were overlapped. Good vision...