To upload from your computer you need to have digital images of your artwork on your computer's hard drive or accessible on CD. Now all you have to do is fill out the information about the artwork you want to add to your portfolio and select the file from your computer using the "browse" button. Also make sure to select the file type (.jpg or .gif) below this box. Keep in mind that the required fields are marked with a red star *, and your request will not be completed until all of the required fields are filled out. When you have filled in all the required fields and selected the file to upload, click "upload artwork". Please keep the following details in mind:
FOR MAC USERS: Be sure that your file actually has the .jpg or .gif extension in the name (ie: picturename.jpg or picturename.gif). Without the valid extension you will not be able to upload any artwork images. Furthermore, your jpg file should be saved at compression "medium" or 3. Mac users are also advised to upload .gif files rather than .jpg files and to use recommended browsers Firefox or Explorer. The Mac browser Safari has known user ability problems with some features of our site.
When you click "upload artwork", you will be taken back to a blank upload page to continue uploading with another artwork image and details. To see your successful upload, click on the "portfolio manger" button on the left and you will be taken back to your main portfolio manager page. You will see a thumbnail of your new uploaded image along the right hand side. To edit this artwork information, click on the thumbnail image or the artwork title.
To upload artwork from an existing website, you will need to know the exact URL that contains the image(s) that you wish to upload. This option will pull any images off that URL that fit our size requirements. This option will not work if you simply enter your home page if the images are actually contained on sub pages of your home page (ie: your home page may be however your actual images may be located at: When you have entered the correct and full URL, click "get URL for artwork". This process will take several minutes and then you will see thumbnails of all of the images that have been transferred. You will need to select one image to start with and follow the same process as above for entering the required fields for this image.
How do I change the size of my artwork image before upload?
As stated before the maximum size for your image is either 800K or 3M saved at 75DPI. In other words if you have an image that is too large you will have to edit it before uploading it. There are many commercial and shareware programs to use. Some of the most popular are Photoshop, Photo Deluxe, Paintshop Pro. Simply resize it using one of those programs to insure it will meet our requirements before you upload it.
How do I edit my artwork information after it is uploaded?
To edit the details of your artwork, login and click on the "artwork" button on the left side menu bar of your portfolio manager. You will see a page with all the images you have added to your portfolio. You can scroll through each artwork to see the details previously entered and options to change these details or delete the image completely. After you have made any updates, make sure to click "submit artwork". You can also update artwork information by clicking on the thumbnail of that image along the right had side of your portfolio. You will then have the option to "update" this specific artwork. Don't forget to click "submit artwork" when you are done or the changes will not be saved!
How do I change the title of my artwork?
At this time the only way to change the title of your artwork is to delete the work entirely and enter all the information again. We regret the hassle but we cannot offer any other way at this point.
How do I delete artwork?
To delete an artwork from your portfolio permanently, sign in and click on the "artwork" button on the left menu bar of your portfolio. You will next see a page with all the artwork you have added to your portfolio. Find the artwork you would like to delete and click "delete artwork". After confirming your request the artwork will be permanently deleted from your portfolio. You can also click on the individual artwork's thumbnail along the right hand side of your portfolio and click "update" and "delete artwork".
How do I change my personal information?
To change your personal information, sign in and click the "update" button next to the "profile" section. Or click "profile" on the left menu bar. Then enter the new information and hit "submit changes".
How do I change my password?
To change your password, sign in and click on "PROFILE" on the left menu bar. Follow the link that says "I want to change my Password". Enter your old password and type in your new password, and your password will be changed.
How do I change my artist statement?
To change your artist statement, sign in and click on "statement" on the left menu bar of your portfolio, or click on the "update" button next to the "artist statement" area. Then enter your statement in the appropriate field and hit "submit statement". Your artist statement will appear on your main page. Keep in mind that there is a maximum of 2000 words to your artist statement.
How do I add or edit exhibitions on my portfolio?
To add or change your exhibitions, sign in and click on "exhibitions" on the left menu bar on your portfolio, or the "update" button next to the exhibitions section. Then enter your exhibitions in the appropriate field and hit "submit exhibitions". Your exhibitions will appear on your main page. Keep in mind that there is a maximum of 2000 words on your exhibitions.
How do I add or change my galleries?
To add or change your galleries, sign in and click on "galleries" on the left menu bar of your portfolio or the "update" button next to the "gallery representation" section. Then enter your galleries on the appropriate field and hit "submit galleries". Your galleries will appear on your main page. Keep in mind that there is a maximum of 2000 words to your galleries.
How do edit my guestbook?
To edit your guestbook, sign in and click on "guestbook" on the left menu bar or "update" next to "guestbook entries" on the main page. Then check the message you wish to delete and hit "delete message". If the guestbook entry is not deleted from your list, try deleting it using a different browser (ie: Explorer or Firefox).
How do I tell my clients, gallery owners, friends about my portfolio?
You can send your friends, colleagues, clients and family e-invitations to come visit your on-line artist portfolio. There is, however, a 5-day minimum registration time before you are allowed to send e-invitations. To send e-invitations sign in and click on "e-invitations" on the left menu bar of your portfolio. Then enter the subject of your message, the email addresses of the people you want to send invitations to (separated by commas) and the message you would like to send. You can send e-invitations up to 2 times every 30 days, with up to 50 email addresses each time. Once you've entered all the information, hit "send e-invitations" and your friends will automatically receive an e-mail with the address to your portfolio and your message.
How can I see specific information on each artwork I've uploaded?
To see the information you've entered on a specific artwork, sign in and click on the any of the images you've uploaded on the right side of your Main Portfolio Page.
What is the ‘Manage My Portfolio Main Page’?
This is your main portfolio manager page. Here you will find all the information you have entered on your portfolio, as well as all the artwork you've uploaded and your exhibitions, artist statement and your galleries. Use the left menu bar to make any changes or additions to your portfolio. This section is not accessible to other viewers and you'll need to login to this section each time you want to make changes.
What is the Artwork Page?
Your artwork page shows you all the artwork images you have uploaded to your portfolio, and allows you to change the information on each specific artwork, delete artwork from your portfolio or add artwork to your portfolio. To get to your Artwork Page, sign in and click on "artwork" on the left menu bar on your portfolio.
How do I view my visitor statistics?
Our Premiere Portfolio members have access to view their portfolio's "traffic" or the number of "hits" to their personal portfolio. To view your statistics, login to your portfolio and look for the "statistics" button on the left hand menu bar.
If you have questions about the statistics, please view our Frequently Asked Questions for statistics at:
What is a Blog and how do I start my Art Blog?
Blogs are sort of like an online journal. This is your space to share your thoughts with the world. Use the space to start a dialog on any art related topic and include images. Both the mid-level Artist Portfolio and the Premiere Portfolio have space to write your personal Art Blog. Login to your portfolio and look for the "my art blog" button on the menu bar. First click on "create a new blog" and then enter your title and text. You can add images into the blog space by clicking on the icon of a tree (insert/edit image icon) and listing the URL where the image can be found online. This is a great way to discuss your thoughts on your artwork with your visitors!
Error Messages and Problems:
I have emailed you and never heard anything back
We receive thousands of emails every day. Since our email addresses are published over 80% of received email is either Spam or junk mail. Thus we have instituted very stringent filters. For example any email with no subject or typed in upper case letters will automatically be deleted. If you feel that your email did not make it through our filtering software, please be so kind and give us a telephone call at (USA) 646.455.1425 and we can answer your questions over the phone. We thank you for your understanding!
I am getting an empty page when uploading images
This can happen when your image you are trying to upload is too large for the servers to accept. Premiere Portfolio artists can upload images of up to 3MEG each, regular and free portfolio artists can use images with a size of up to 800k. The other possibility is that the connection between one of our servers and your computer has timed out. This can happen if you have a 56k or slower Internet connection or if there is a bottleneck in the Internet. Try it again at a later time or off hours when there is less Internet traffic in general.
My upload was successful, but the image has not shown up!
Unfortunately this means the upload was not successful (even if it said upload successful) and it will need to be loaded again. There may be a number of reasons why the image was not loaded correctly. If the system did not give you an error message, check for these things:
Make sure you do not put decimal points in the dimensions fields (ie: depth= 0.25)
There is someone elses' artwork in my portfolio! does not mix up artist portfolios. You are using the search engine. Our search engine results will show other artist portfolios. For example your name is John Smith and you search for John Smith, results might also be shown by other artists such as Tom Smith or John Brown. Viewers will then click on your name/artwork to go to your personal portfolio page. Your regular portfolio page will not be affected by this.
Nobody is buying my art. What is the problem?
We have all been faced with situations like this. First of all, we recommend signing up for our online credit card sales. Check to make sure you have "accepted" this section within your portfolio manager and listed correct prices (in USD) on your work. The online credit card sales option is not set up automatically and without accepting the sales agreement your work is not available for online purchase by credit card. Then, make sure that your email address is correct and functional. This is one of the primary ways potential clients can reach you through the portfolio. It is also how will first send you details on an order we have received for your artwork. We have had instances where clients call us and let us know that an artist is not replying to their request to purchase a work from them. We then usually try to call the artist and let them know that this has happened. However, we cannot keep track of how many artists lose sales because they just don't keep their info up to date.
Second, as with any product you will only sell if the right client comes to the site and finds or is interested in one of your works. You would not buy an item you weren't interested in. Thus, it is so important that artists also participate in marketing their portfolio. You already know who is interested in your work... send them an e-invitation or send them an e-postcard etc., make them aware that your portfolio is here and ready to be viewed. receives a lot of online traffic. Your artwork will be seen more if it is in a Premiere Portfolio on Take advantage of this exposure and apply for the Premiere Portfolio today:
We can't promise you guaranteed sales (and neither does a gallery) but your portfolio will receive exposure. Take a look at the testimonials we've received from some of our long standing successful Premiere members:
My uploaded images don't show up on the screen!
The most common reason this happens is that when you visit your portfolio page (html page) your web browser has "cached" this page. What this means is that it has this page in memory and has not refreshed (renewed) the page when view it. You can force your browser (ie: Internet Explorer, Netscape, Firefox) to download the page again instead of showing you an older version by holding down the shift key at the same time as you click on the "refresh" or "reload" key in your browser window. This will force the browser to download the new version of the page and show your updates.
I got a "You've timed out message". What does that mean?
In order to keep your information secure and prevent other people from accessing your portfolio, you will be automatically signed-out after 20 minutes have elapsed without any changes to your portfolio. To regain full access to your portfolio, simply sign in again. Instead of composing your artist statement, biography, exhibition history in the form provided by you may want to compose them on your local computer and save it there. Then you can paste them into the online form easier and you won't lose the information you just worked so hard to put into the form.
I forgot my password! What do I do?
If you forgot your password, go to the Password Recovery Page at and enter your email address or login and we will send you an email with your login name and password. Make sure to keep your password secure so others cannot change your portfolio. If you do not know your login or if your email address has changed, please email your "town of birth" to us at for password recovery sent to an email address not on file with us.
I changed the theme / subject matter / medium of an image. Why is it not updated on many pages?
Once you have changed the theme, subject matter or even medium of a piece and it takes up to 24 hours for the changes to take effect in all the databases and static html pages. Thus, your artwork might still appear in the old theme page for a while. Pages are constantly updated on a rotating basis. Thus it will take a while for all those changes to take effect. Check back and be patient...
I can't find the artwork I just uploaded to my portfolio by searching on the site.
Now that you have uploaded new work to your portfolio you may try to find it throughout the site by searching in different categories. Keep in mind that our database programs take up to 24 hours to update individual pages throughout the site. Thus when you add a new artwork to the site it may take up to 24 hours for it to be listed under the specific medium/theme/subject you listed it as. Even though you see it on your personal portfolio page, our search option pages may not have updated yet. Take a look again in a day and see if it is included now.
My Portfolio was updated to a Premiere Portfolio and it is still listed under "Free or Artist"
First, you have to complete the Premiere Portfolio application/acceptance process and pay your annual fee. The Premiere Portfolio level requires first an application (including jury fee) and the acceptance by our jury. Then you will be asked to make the Premiere Portfolio annual fee. If you have paid only $36, you have only upgraded from our Free status to our Artist (mid-level) status and have not gone through the Premiere Portfolio application process. Second, after you have been accepted by the jury and paid the Premiere annual fee, you will have to login to your portfolio manager to activate your new status as a Premiere Portfolio member. After that it may take a few hours for the changes to take effect across our servers. There may be a delay in how your work will show up within the Premiere sections. The delay should not be longer than a day or so.
My Portfolio was recently upgraded to the Premiere level, but when I login I am asked to renew at the Artist level.
You do not need to make this payment. This is an error in the system that does not recognize that you have paid a different yearly fee already this year. You only need to make either the Artist level payment or the Premiere level payment once a year, not both. Please send us an email to have this corrected and gain access to your Premiere Portfolio again.
My Portfolio does not show any of my images... or there are no images showing up at all on my browser page.
This happens once in a while because there are a couple of bugs in Internet Explorer. What happens is that Internet Explorer cannot interpret the newest versions of jpegs created on a Mac with Photoshop. What the Mac does is it inserts extra information into the jpeg / jpg file and Internet Explorer cannot understand that information. Thus it will not display any images on those pages. The only solution to this problem is to close the Internet Explorer and start it up again. We hope that Microsoft will address this problem soon because many visual artists are using Macs to save and upload images. Mac users can upload .gif files to attempt to avoid this as much as possible for their viewers using Internet Explorer.
I am unable to view my zoom images!
First, please note that only the Artist Portfolio level and the Premiere Artist Portfolio level have the zoom option. If your portfolio is at our Free Portfolio level, you'll need to upgrade to have the zoom option on your images.
Also, please check that your web browser does not have a pop-up blocker activated. The zoom images will appear in a separate window and some browsers will consider them pop-ups and block them. You'll need to disable your pop-up blocker to view zoom images.
If you are a Mac user you may also experience problems viewing zoom images. This sometimes happens with .jpg files that are uploaded from a Mac. JPEG images uploaded from a Mac are not always viewable at the zoom level by a Mac web browser. In this case, visitors to your portfolio using a PC will be able to view your zoom images. We recommend Mac users upload .gif files verses .jpg files to solve this problem for all viewers.
Mac Users:
I am a Mac user and my jpg images won't upload
Mac users have reported problems when uploading jpg images. First of all remember that a valid file name is "filename.jpg". It has to have the extension .jpg at the end of the filename. Secondly, make sure that the compression ratio when saving your jpg image is set to level "medium" or "3". Some users have reported that images with higher compression will not upload correctly. This seems to be on a case by case basis. Third, if your upload does not work with Netscape try Internet Explorer, or Firefox and vice versa. When using Photoshop, use the "save for the web" feature. Also, if you have problems uploading .jpg files from a Mac, trying saving your image as a .gif file instead. Some Mac users have had better success with .gif files.
NOTE: Our site has not been fully tested with the Mac browser Safari and some functions may not work properly with this browser. Please work on your portfolio with one of the following browsers: Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape.
I am receiving an error message about invalid characters in the title, width, height, depth when uploading.
This error occurs when uploading images from the Mac browser Safari. Please switch to Explorer or Firefox to upload.
Upload / Image Issues:
What image size should I upload?
You should upload an image that is more than 400 pixels wide and smaller than 800 pixels wide. We will keep the original and make a medium size and a thumbnail copy of the artwork. If you have the zoom function in your portfolio the original version will be shown when the visitor clicks on the zoom button. Individual artwork image file sizes can be up to 3 MEG for Premiere Portfolio artists and 800 K for Artist and Free level Portfolios.
I am uploading images and the upload is not working. Why do I want to scream?
Ok. The uploading issue will always depend on several factors: what type of computer you have, what type of Internet connection you have, how fast your connection is and how fast/slow your connection is to one of our servers. The busiest times of Internet use are during regular business hours (USA timezones). Thus you will most likely experience a slower connection during weekday business hours than on weekends. This has nothing to do with our servers, but the nature of the Internet. If your Internet service provider advertises blazing speeds for your connection... take it with a grain of salt (for example the bank is busiest on Friday afternoons). The same with the Internet! There will be fast and slow times.
If you have an unsuccessful upload of one of your images your personal connection to the Internet might have dropped, or the Internet connection to one of our servers may have dropped. Thus it will never finish the upload and the image is not there. Try uploading another image that is smaller in terms of file size. For example your first attempt was an image of 100k, try an image that is 50k and see if that works.
Please also see these other common upload problems and solutions:
How do I add artwork to my Portfolio?
I am getting an empty page when uploading images
My upload was successful, but the image has not shown up!
My uploaded images don't show up on the screen!
When you download images from your website to your portfolio how large should they be?
First of all when uploading artwork from an existing webpage, you need to enter a URL that leads to a large version of the image you wish to upload, images below 300 pixels wide can not be uploaded. You should upload an image that is more than 400 pixels wide and smaller than 800 pixels wide. We will keep the original and make a medium size and a thumbnail copy of the artwork. If you have the zoom function in your portfolio the original version will be shown when the visitor clicks on the zoom button.
With this feature you can not simply enter your home page web address, and expect the system to navigate your site to find all your images on sub pages of you site. Rather, you need to list a specific URL that leads directly to a page containing one or more large images of your work. This method of uploading can take longer if the URL you enter has many images that meet the size requirements.
Once the images are uploaded you will then need to select one image at a time to enter the specific artwork details.
How large should an image be, what DPI should I use, What compression should I use?
Once you upload an image to your portfolio the following happens. We keep the original size, make a smaller copy and then make an even smaller copy of the image so that it will display in your portfolio as a thumbnail. Once you click on that thumbnail it takes you to the medium sized version. From there you can click on the zoom button (Artist and Premiere portfolios only) if the original image you uploaded is larger than 300 pixels wide.
You should not scan in or save images at larger than 75DPI (dots per inch). No computer screen will display your image at a resolution higher than 75 DPI, thus you are wasting download time and leaving oepn the potential for others to steal your image at a print/reproduction quality. For example newspapers print between 90 and 110 DPI, magazines print at 300 DPI and books print between 300 and 600 DPI.
Compression levels are very easy to understand. The higher the compression the lower the quality of the image. Basically what compression does is to throw out extra pixels from the image file, thus reducing size of the file. We suggest you use a compression level of "medium" or "3" depending on what kind of program you use.
I have uploaded an image and it is not showing on my main page
After you have uploaded your first image it will show up in both places, your main portfolio page and
the portfolio manager page. If you go to your main portfolio page and the image does not show up it
is a matter of your browser not refreshing its cache. Solution: hold down the "Shift" key (Mac users hold down the "Apple"
"refresh" or "reload" on your browser window. That will force the browser to reload the page from scratch. Voila, your
image will be there.
My image is blurry when I look at the larger detailed version
First of all make sure that the image you upload is not blurry before you upload the image. You should NOT try to upload a small thumbnail size image. The image you upload should be between 300 and 800 pixels wide. Once you have uploaded the image our servers will make two smaller sizes of the image, a thumbnail and a medium size. The thumbnail size image is then click-able to see the more detailed larger version of the image. If you have the zoom option, the original size of the image you upload will be the zoom image. If the image you upload is smaller than our medium sized image, our system will increase the image size. Images do not display well when they are increased in size starting from an image that is only 75DPI. You should always upload the largest possible image allowed and let our system reduce the image down to our thumbnail and medium sizes.
Guestook, E-Invitations, E-Announcements, and E-cards questions:
I can't see the email addresses of people that have signed my guestbook
Email addresses of clients or visitors that have signed your guestbook will not show up on your public portfolio guestbook page. However, when you are logged into your private portfolio manager you will have access to view them. Login to your portfolio and click on the "guestbook" button in the left hand side menu bar or "update" under the "guestbook" section. There you can manage your entries (delete unwanted messages) and view the email addresses of the posters. The reason for the emails not being displayed on your guestbook is so that email spiders, email marketing companies, malicious spiders or spammers cannot pick up these email addresses. This way we can make sure that the visitors that signed will not be harassed by unwanted or unsolicited emails.
How do I remove unwanted guestbook entries?
First you need to login to your portfolio manager. Then look for the "guestbook" button or the "update" button next to the "guestbook" section. Select the guestbook entry you wish to remove and click "delete message".
The guestbook entry I am trying to delete is still showing up after I click "delete message". It will not delete!
Specific versions of some browsers have been reported to not work properly with this feature. Please login to your portfolio and try this using a different Internet browser. Internet Explorer or Firefox are recommended.
NOTE: Our site has not been fully tested with the Mac browser Safari and some functions may not work properly with this browser. Please work on your portfolio with one of the following browsers: Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape.
How do I use my email manager with my E-Announcements and E-Cards?
You can add email address first to your email manager and then they will automatically show up in your list when sending E-Announcements or E-Cards. Login to your portfolio manager and click "email manager" in the left hand side menu bar. Here you can add/remove email address to your email list. You can create a basic email to you entire list or this list will automatically receive your E-Announcements and E-Cards.
The email address I am trying to delete from my email manager is still showing up after I click "remove selected email addresses". It will not delete!
Specific versions of some browsers have been reported to not work properly with this feature. Please login to your portfolio and try this using a different Internet browser. Internet Explorer or Firefox are recommended.
NOTE: Our site has not been fully tested with the Mac browser Safari and some functions may not work properly with this browser. Please work on your portfolio with one of the following browsers: Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape.
What do you do with the email addresses I enter for my E-Invitations, E-Announcements, E-Cards? does NOT make the email addresses you enter to send your e-invitations, e-announcements or e-cards to available to anyone else. They are kept in a secure database that NO outsider has access to. They are stored for activity and administrative purposes only. World Wide Arts Resources does not make them available to anyone other than yourself. / World Wide Arts Resources does not mail to those email addresses. What this means in plain words is: no one but you has access to that data.
Are the email addresses seen by others when sending E-Invitations, E-Announcements, E-cards?
In technical email lingo this would be called cc: or an open distribution list. NO, they are NOT in an open list format. What this means is that each person you include on the list to send an e-invite etc. to gets the message individually without being able to tell who else this message was sent to. So, recipients will not be able to see other recipients.
Why is the image not showing up in my e-card and why does it say I am from Zimbabwe?
This means there was an unspecified error when sending your e-card. Many times it is due to an error in the format of your email address list. Please review your list for missing commas, extra spaces, periods in the wrong place, etc. Your email addresses need to contain only email addresses and comas separating them. Please send a test e-card to your address only to confirm it works. This error may also be due to you attempting to send e-cards to too many recipients at once. The system may timed out during sending. If you have a large email list, you may need to send the e-cards out in several batches of 50 addresses or less.
How Do I sell my artwork via and how does the sales process work?
First of all you will need to upload artwork to your artist portfolio if you want to sell your artwork via Then, you will need to agree to the "Sales Agreement" in your artist portfolio manager page to be able to sell your artwork via absolutearts.
Once you have agreed to the terms of the sales agreement you need to make sure that your works have prices included in the information you have provided! The more information you provide the more likely you will have a sale. When entering the price for your artwork, make sure to include the commission in the price. Commission rates are as follows: Free Artist Portfolio (35%) - Regular Artist Portfolio (25%) and Premiere Artist Portfolios (20%).
When a client purchases a work the sales process is very easy and straight forward:
- The client decides to purchase your work:
- We contact you for a shipping quote (that includes insurance) from your studio/location to the client's location (residence or business). If you have included a flat shipping rate, we will be able to bypass the next step for quicker completion of the sale.
- After we have received the accurate shipping quote back from you, we contact the client with the shipping quote that is added to the cost of the work.
- Once the client has agreed to the cost of the work and the additional shipping cost charges the client's credit card.
- Once all funds have cleared we contact the artist with directions to ship the artwork directly to the client's location.
- Once the client has received and accepted the work (the client has 3 business days to review and accept the work), we consider the sale as final.
- pays the artist the sales price of the artwork less commission + shipping cost within the first 10 days of the following month. Please take a look at the sales agreement on how we pay artists. Usually via business check (USA only), paypal, money transfer or other electronic formats.
If you have additional questions you can always contact us via email at