Artist Statement -

I was born in San Gimignano, Italy, in 1955. I studied art and architecture in Florence attending the Academy of Fine Arts, and I started my job in 1980 as a graphic designer while continuing my research in artistic painting.

Through my work I try to analyze and represent the life that surrounds me or pass me by, just brushing . My favorite subjects are human figures immersed in their world, educated , that is, in poses and attitudes that identify the mood and suggest their personality. What interests me most is to discover the relationships between shapes and colors that are evident from the careful observation of reality and this is expressed in a strictly personal representation of the object. Through the filter of my work observers can therefore grasp the point of view of my own , but they are also free to interpret the subject as they please , so participate in the re-creation of the work perfect. Ultimately with my colors , my drawings , the shapes that I paint I suggest a possible interpretation of reality, mine, but the case remains open to the infinite possibilities of the personal experience of each.
The ideas
Each painting has its own history and its own staff gestation. Everyone can contribute to the initial spark , a picture , a phrase, a music. Before starting I spend much time thinking about the overall design of the new table, the patterns of colors to use , what to emphasize and what to leave in the background. Generally I take a lot of notes , sketches I do , I feel the colors, shadows, scompongo the subject in portions then recompose otherwise , schematically various compositions . This whole process can take days or weeks but when it’s time to paint the work is spun down without a second thought .

The materials
Works on paper. Using watercolors on handmade paper with cotton rags , is a beautiful card , imported from India , heavy and wrinkled, with a strong personality that requires much attention and experience to master it .
Works on canvas. Acrylics allow me to work in a manner similar to watercolors on surfaces other than paper and I guarantee you great freedom of expression .

Critique by Ilya Shifrin:

Alessandro Andreuccetti is an Italian painter and illustrator who employs acrylic paint, water-color, gouache and ink in his work, displayed on his website and blog. Some of his pieces careen towards the avant-guard, exhibiting conceptual and surreal qualities, but most of his artistic output is situated within the traditional framework of landscape, cityscape and people representation, where he strives to express himself in “new perfectly independent compositions.� In my opinion, he achieved his goal at least from one aspect: the illusion of space and volume, and in this review I would like to focus on how these features stand out in his haunting land and cityscapes.

The artist’s creative approach to the empty areas on the surface he works with paradoxically enhances the perception of volume and space in the beholder’s mind’s eye. He concocts an engaging interplay between active and passive zones — and I particularly like the idea of selective passivity, where the nearly blank, discolored parts play a crucial role in enlivening the darker and apparently more substantial regions. This combination reminds me somehow of the negatives we see in photography, and, after a more careful examination, there is indeed something of the photographic negative in these landscapes. As a result, his artwork may be viewed with a double standard — but in the best possible meaning of the phrase.

Consequently, the spring lightweight florals, the denser groves and the concrete structures, they all exhibit a reassuring sense of style and its technical opposite. Moreover, the artist even-handedly combines these themes, placing dainty buds near formidable buildings or deep inside wide landscapes. Slopes and curves, either imaginary or real, further emphasize the sense of space, particularly pastoral — even the cityscapes appear to be stifled by the approaching growth; perhaps this is why the buildings look so abandoned. On the other hand, the inhabitants might just have gone outside to enjoy the flora, and understandably so.

To reiterate, the artist demonstrates adroit utilization and deep understanding of space, to the point of ability to manipulate it: to play and toy with it. He offers breathtaking vistas with an easy hand, and with an almost ironic, and somehow wise touch. He doesn’t tackle the theme, but rather approaches it carefully and assuredly, as if space itself were a frightened and alert wild antelope; he nets it with his brush and the concept behind it. The painter’s style impresses with both lightness and compositional range and solidity: he is a universal artist not only because of the multiple media he works with, but due to what he achieves with it as well.

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Artist Exhibitions

Alessandro Andreuccetti partecipated to various exibitions groups in Italy and its own works are exposed in many private collections.

Personali – Solo Show

2014 San Gimignano, Galleria Palazzo della Cancelleria
2014 San Gimignano, Caffè Torre Guelfa

2013 San Gimignano, Caffè Torre Guelfa

2012 Firenze, Galleria del Gruppo Donatello

2012 Montelupo, Colline toscane, Sala espositiva Banca di Cambiano

2012 Gaiole in Chianti, Oltre la collina, Sala espositiva Società Filarmonica

2011 Firenze, Villa Vogel, “3 Artisti a Villa Vogel“

2011 Siena, Ristorante Camporegio

2011 San Gimignano, Caffè Torre Guelfa

2010 San Gimignano, Palazzo della Cancelleria

2009 Montelupo Fiorentino, Galleria della Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Cambiano

2009 San Gimignano, Palazzo della Cancelleria

2009 San Gimignano, Palazzo della Cancelleria

2006 “Tuscany Hills” – Firenze, Palazzo Panciatichi, Consiglio Regione Toscana

2006 Galleria d’Arte Manzi, San Gimignano

2006 Caffè Torre Guelfa

2003 Galleria d’Arte Palazzo Pratellesi, San Gimignano

1979 Roma, Galleria “Ieri e Oggi”

1978 Volterra, Galleria “Daniele da Volterra”

Collettive – Group Show

2014 "In Cenacolo", collettiva dell'Associazione Il Cenacolo, San Gimignano
2014 "VINART"seconda edizione, ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE "ARTI VISIVE" di Poggibonsi,
2014 "INSIEME PER L'ARTE" Collettiva a Barberino Val d'Elsa con il Patrocinio del Comune
2012 “XII Biennale dell’Acquarello di Albignasego” Curato da Francesca Brugnettini – Premio dei Giornalisti- Albignasego, Padova

2011 “Interludio fiorentino” Curato da ArteSì - Limonaia di Villa Strozzi, Firenze

2011 “Collettiva in Cenacolo 2011&<8243; – Galleria Sala Cancelleria, San Gimignano

2011 “Liriche essenzialità” – Galleria d’arte Immagini Spazio Arte, Cremona

2010 Global Network of Watercolors Painter, Incheon Educational and Cultural for Student, KOREA

2010 “100 Pittori a Taormina”, Palazzo Duchi di Santo Stefano sede della Fondazione Mazzullo

2010 “Premio Arte X 2010&<8243;, Art Hotel Expo 2010 – Hotel Vedute di Fucecchio (Firenze)

2010 Etichette in cerca d’autore, San Gimignano

2010 Vernice Art Fair 2010, Forlì – Stand

2010 Shanghai Zhujiajiao International Watercolour Biennial Exhibition. Invited International Artist. APRIL-OCTOBER SHANGHAI CHINA SHANGHAI QUANHUA GALLERY

2010 Paesaggi d’Italia – Esposizione d’arte, pittura, scultura, fotografia, arte digitale - Taormina, Palazzo Duchi di Santo Stefano

2008 Collettiva “Dal XX al XXI secolo Artisti a San Gimignano”, Galleria d’Arte Manzi, San Gimignano

2008 “Acquarello che passione”, Mostra a carattere nazionale dedicata alla pittura realizzata con l’antichissima tecnica dell’acquerello, Savigliano, manifestazione patrocinata dalla Regione Piemonte e dalla Provincia di Cuneo.

2008 XV Collettiva Internazionale d’Arte Moderna Contemporanea “Giallo, Rosso e Blu”, Torino2008

2008 Collettiva “Arte Contemporanea Italiana”, Firenze, Galleria La Pergola Arte

2008 Collettiva Internazionale d’Arte moderna e Contemporanea, “Sprigiona la Fantasia”, Museo della città di Collegno.

2008 13e SALON de l’AQUARELLE en LIMOUSIN, Saint-Laurent-sur-Gorre (Haute-Vienne) au Château de Feuillade

2007 Collettiva “Paesaggi metropolitani”, Firenze, Galleria La Pergola Arte

2007 Collettiva “Arte sacra, Ieri e oggi”, Porto Sant’Elpidio, Galleria La Tavolozza

2006 Collettiva Meesburg Germany)

2004 collettiva “Certaldo in cornice” – Certaldo, Palazzo pretorio...

Artist Publications

Critique by Ilya Shifrin

Alessandro Andreuccetti is an Italian painter and illustrator who employs acrylic paint, water-color, gouache and ink in his work, displayed on his website and blog. Some of his pieces careen towards the avant-guard, exhibiting conceptual and surreal qualities, but most of his artistic output is situated within the traditional framework of landscape, cityscape and people representation, where he strives to express himself in “new perfectly independent compositions.� In my opinion, he achieved his goal at least from one aspect: the illusion of space and volume, and in this review I would like to focus on how these features stand out in his haunting land and cityscapes.

The artist’s creative approach to the empty areas on the surface he works with paradoxically enhances the perception of volume and space in the beholder’s mind’s eye. He concocts an engaging interplay between active and passive zones — and I particularly like the idea of selective passivity, where the nearly blank, discolored parts play a crucial role in enlivening the darker and apparently more substantial regions. This combination reminds me somehow of the negatives we see in photography, and, after a more careful examination, there is indeed something of the photographic negative in these landscapes. As a result, his artwork may be viewed with a double standard — but in the best possible meaning of the phrase.

Consequently, the spring lightweight florals, the denser groves and the concrete structures, they all exhibit a reassuring sense of style and its technical opposite. Moreover, the artist even-handedly combines these themes, placing dainty buds near formidable buildings or deep inside wide landscapes. Slopes and curves, either imaginary or real, further emphasize the sense of space, particularly pastoral — even the cityscapes appear to be stifled by the approaching growth; perhaps this is why the buildings look so abandoned. On the other hand, the inhabitants might just have gone outside to enjoy the flora, and understandably so.

To reiterate, the artist demonstrates adroit utilization and deep understanding of space, to the point of ability to manipulate it: to play and toy with it. He offers breathtaking vistas with an easy hand, and with an almost ironic, and somehow wise touch. He doesn’t tackle the theme, but rather approaches it carefully and assuredly, as if space itself were a frightened and alert wild antelope; he nets it with his brush and the concept behind it. The painter’s style impresses with both lightness and compositional range and solidity: he is a universal artist not only because of the multiple media he works with, but due to what he achieves with it as well.

In Regione i paesaggi di Alessandro Andreuccetti

L’artista ha esposto sedici acquarelli a Palazzo Panciatichi

Le colline toscane raffigurate dall’artista Alessandro Andreuccetti in 16 acquarelli per la prima volta sono state ospitate nelle sale del Palazzo Panciatichi a Firenze, sede del Consiglio Regionale.
La personale è legata alla natura e al paesaggio toscano che l’artista di San Gimignano, fra l’altro vignettista sui maggiori quotidiani nazionali e disegnatore di storici fumetti, ha voluto portare tra le stanze del “governo� della Toscana.
Andreuccetti ha portato una ventata di pittura dai colori naturali in una particolare rassegna di immagini di paesaggi.
Giusto il meritato riconoscimento in Ragione, dove l’artista ha lasciato una sua opera nella collezione privata della “Toscana�.

Romano Francardelli
La Nazione, 07 febbraio 2006

Consiglio regionale della Toscana

Comunicato n. 107 del 30/01/2006
La Toscana di Andreuccetti a Palazzo Panciatichi

Il sindaco di San Gimignano Marco Lisi ha inaugurato, a Palazzo Panciatichi, la mostra di pittura “Tuscany Hills� di Alessandro Andreuccetti

La tecnica? L’acquarello su carta lavorata a mano. L’ispirazione? Dai grandi maestri del passato, come Turner e Delacroix fino ai vedutisti inglesi ed italiani dell’800. L’elaborazione? Del tutto personale alla ricerca di paesaggi e figure da amalgamare in composizioni autonome. Il filtro “toscano� è, però, la caratteristica principale delle opere di Alessandro Andreuccetti che crea tele evocanti stati d’animo e sensazioni, nelle quali luci e colori giocano un ruolo di primissimo piano prescindendo dal soggetto scelto, sia esso una pineta versiliana o una stradina di campagna. “Le colline toscane –ha detto Andreuccetti- costituiscono il mio orizzonte e la mia tavolozza , il mio territorio di “caccia� e di esplorazione, così come lo furono per tutti quegli artisti ed intellettuali girovaghi che all’epoca del ‘Grand Tour’ scendevano in Toscana per restarne innamorati�. All’inaugurazione della mostra “Tuscany Hills� sono intervenuti il presidente del Consiglio regionale Riccardo Nencini e il sindaco del Comune di San Gimignano (Si), Marco Lisi. L’esposizione rimane aperta fino al 6 febbraio. (bb)...

Artist Collections

Numerous private, corporate, museum, gallery and government collections detailed information coming soon.

Artist Favorites