Artist Statement -

Ko Whakatere te Maunga
Ko Waima te Awa
Ko Maamari te Waka
Ko Te Mahurehure te Hapu
Ko Nga Puhi te Iwi
Ko Tuhirangi te Marae

Kia ora,
Phil Mokaraka Berry has been producing Contemporary Maori Art works for over ten years. His work consists of Maori myths and traditions based on well known stories and beliefs. He has produced a large series on Maui and his exploits and his final demise. Other works involve the connection between Papatuanuku (mother earth) and Maori and the sacredness of our whenua (land). He has also produced works on Kaitiaki (guardians), trying to capture the Mauri (life force) and the guardianship role of them and the relationship to their and our environments. His works are always evolving, sometimes simplifying, sometimes complex He uses the kowhaiwhai (maori designs)as a symbol of being and celebrating being Maori and also linking back towards our/my Whakapapa (heritage).

Artist Exhibitions

I am in the process of compiling my past and current exhibition opportunities.

Artist Publications


Artist Collections

Numerous private, corporate, museum, gallery and government collections detailed information coming soon.

Artist Favorites