Artist Statement -

I cannot say what really led me to painting. I guess it is related to that inner desire which has made me express myself in this visual language. But what has mostly marked my art and driven me towards endless research is composed of notions such as the sense of time, childhood, human psychology and nature.

I think, for some artists, it is true that what they have sought for in their art is something they have missed during their own life, a lack of anything from the real world of ours.

I grew up in a “grey country”. I lived under a dictatorial regime until the 90’s, which was followed by a transit period of destruction. Hence, so little has been inherited by the previous system. As a result what I perceived of those times came in colourlessly, greyish and meaninglessly in all aspects. It did not make sense at all. The absence of colours led to a hungriness and craving for greens and blues and yellows etc. This thirst for colours found expression later greatly and strongly in my paintings.

I love colours and they are important, sometimes more than shape. I like to impose myself through them bold and clean colours. It is important to me because they provoke mostly a desire of feeling than interpreting or understanding them in all their hues. I want that what is emphasized in my painting could provoke a longing to feel rather than interpret it. My art work refers partly to the interpreting of the psychological state of man and partly to the seeking of some sort of “beauty” that yields a psychological impact.

Childhood is a very important concept. It adapts itself to fragmentary forms such as memories... childhood could be found in sequences, momentary passages, light, colour and all other fragmentary situations which look like remaining in suspension. Therefore, Time concept starts reincarnating in it.
In times I return to nature, landscape, portrait and Still Nature...
It resembles that therapy, which fulfils me with positive energy and optimism. It is like a game that you play with yourself and feel good and caressed.

Artist Exhibitions

I am in the process of compiling my past and current exhibition opportunities.

Artist Publications


Artist Collections

Numerous private, corporate, museum, gallery and government collections detailed information coming soon.

Artist Favorites

Gheorghe Lungu, , , Original Painting Oil, size_width{familie-1479917506.jpg} X
Original Oil Painting, 2016
120 x 120 x 4 cm (37.4 x 47.2)
Karen Cooper, , , Original Painting Oil, size_width{vegetable_sellers_the_corner-1489989862.jpg} X
Original Oil Painting, 2016
27.5 x 27.5 x 1 inches (37.4 x 47.2)
Harry Weisburd, , , Original Watercolor, size_width{woman_white_hat_by_the_sea-1492382501.jpg} X
Original Watercolor, 2014
48 x 60 inches (37.4 x 47.2)
Yuri Vasiliev, , , Original Painting Oil, size_width{goldfishes-1495878616.jpg} X
Original Oil Painting, 2016
94 x 76 x 3 cm (37.4 x 47.2)
Yuri Vasiliev, , , Original Painting Oil, size_width{saint_sauveur_sur_tinee-1495880666.jpg} X
Original Oil Painting, 2011
90 x 80 x 4 cm (37.4 x 47.2)
Moesey Li, , , Original Painting Oil, size_width{Spring_girl-1497724256.jpg} X
Original Oil Painting, 1994
81 x 56 cm (37.4 x 47.2)
Moesey Li, , , Original Painting Oil, size_width{Field_of_sunflowers-1548614250.jpg} X
Original Oil Painting, 1999
90 x 75 cm (37.4 x 47.2)
Moesey Li, , , Original Painting Oil, size_width{Geese -1496402495.jpg} X
Original Oil Painting, 2003
100 x 85 x 0.1 cm (37.4 x 47.2)
Moesey Li, , , Original Painting Oil, size_width{Geese -1496402495.jpg} X
Original Oil Painting, 2003
100 x 85 x 0.1 cm (37.4 x 47.2)
Moesey Li, , , Original Painting Oil, size_width{Geese -1496402495.jpg} X
Original Oil Painting, 2003
100 x 85 x 0.1 cm (37.4 x 47.2)
David Larkins, , , Original Giclee Reproduction, size_width{Sognare_Venezia-1453413097.jpg} X
Original Giclee Reproduction, 2016
18 x 22 inches (37.4 x 47.2)
David Larkins, , , Original Painting Acrylic, size_width{empire_bluff_trail-1572607476.jpg} X
Original Acrylic Painting, 2017
18 x 24 x 1 inches (37.4 x 47.2)
David Larkins, , , Original Painting Acrylic, size_width{empire_bluff_trail-1572607476.jpg} X
Original Acrylic Painting, 2017
18 x 24 x 1 inches (37.4 x 47.2)
David Larkins, , , Original Painting Acrylic, size_width{empire_bluff_trail-1572607476.jpg} X
Original Acrylic Painting, 2017
18 x 24 x 1 inches (37.4 x 47.2)
Eli Gross, , , Original Painting Acrylic, size_width{no_man_is_an_iland-1497517479.jpg} X
Original Acrylic Painting, 2017
50 x 40 x 1 cm (37.4 x 47.2)
Eli Gross, , , Original Painting Acrylic, size_width{no_man_is_an_iland-1497517479.jpg} X
Original Acrylic Painting, 2017
50 x 40 x 1 cm (37.4 x 47.2)
Eli Gross, , , Original Painting Acrylic, size_width{no_man_is_an_iland-1497517479.jpg} X
Original Acrylic Painting, 2017
50 x 40 x 1 cm (37.4 x 47.2)

Personal Favorites