My artwork can be divided into periods by idea, emotion and impression. I am proud that the pulsating colours of my pictures have been accepted by Playboy Magazine in Hungary, as well as by the world-famous electronic record company, Some Bizarre Studios in London, for whom I occasionally design CD covers. I have achieved success in the field of illustration and my own artistic universe in which I blend different trends. Apart from my own style, I also paint Japanese manga pictures where I mix European art forms with Far-Eastern images like wayang, so that my artistic style might be called international. My manga and wayang figures express emotions and passion, animated by various ideas. My heart and emotions are European, my ideas are nurtured by Spanish surrealism, my images promote the harmony of the Far-Eastern world.
I always maintain a broad perspective. As well as painting, I have worked in international festival management in Hungary and abroad. I deal with graffiti, airbrush, ice, sand, giant painting and various other kinds of installations, art camps, designs, illustrations and exhibition organizing. I have created 120 minor and major art programmes and movements. From art festival management, I am personally able to gain insights into various artistic genres.
Organizing and management require the same effort as artistic creation, and are equally challenging. Apart from management, in 2000 I created and established ’Era Changers’ association, an art group and movement, with the largest and most prestigious membership of artists from Hungary. It produced the most gigantic paintings in the country and wrapped buildings and public sites in giant images. We named our trend ’New Monumentalism’, which takes art into the streets, the busiest places in cities, thus making art accessible to and enjoyable by all members of society.
My philosophy centres around a new kind of revolution in art that takes various branches of art out into the public eye. I was always attracted by great geniuses, like Dalà and Velázquez and great buildings like the Eiffel Tower, Egyptian pyramids, or the Great Wall of China. To us as artists, the greatest challenge is to create something monumental, authentic and new, which makes us revolutionary, groundbreaking and immortal....
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