Artist Statement -

JAVIER FELIX The core of my work is the human body, sometimes insinuated, as a fragment or metamorphosed it is at the same time sensitive field and of plastic experimentation. The figuration serves as a pivot to establish dialogues and conversations with dissimilar elements and in some cases polar realities At these intersections, both aesthetic and conceptual and, often, transcultural mixtures and syncretisms are produced. I pay special attention to the transition between the graphic, the pictorial and the sculptural to the interaction of the three and the two dimensions in the same body of work. Digital graphics and photography often play a catalytic role in the game of absence and presence of the object, although most of my works are formed as a mixture of one or more techniques. In my work, the existential and the comic are conjugated in a hybrid language that is above all experimental and playful.

Artist Exhibitions

Exhibitions -1994 Exhibition of Artists Cano, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia. -1994 Selected students, Auditorio León de Greiif, UNAL, Bogotá, Colombia. -1997 XVIII Hall Regional Artists, Old Santa Fe Station Bogotá, Colombia. -1998 META-PLASTIC. Solo Exhibition. Wiedemann House Gallery, Bogotá, Colombia. -1998 Do IT by Hans-Ulbrich Obrist. Collaboration with Juan Fernando Herran, Casa de la Moneda, Bogota, Colombia. -1999 Selected Artists, Comune di Firenze, Florence, Italy. -1999, Short Films, NYU Auditorium, New York, USA. -2000 5 puntos cardinales Casa Cuadrada Gallery, Bogota, Colombia. -2001 Exhibition of Artists IAIA Museum, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. -2002 Exhibition of Artists IAIA Museum, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.. -2003. Collective Exhibition, IAIA Museum, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. -2008 Observatory digital art exhibition, Centre del Carmen, Valencia, Spain. -2008 Photographers, Photography Show, Gallery Railowski. Valencia, Spain -2011 “Currents 2011” New Media, IAIA Digital Dome. Santa Fe, New Mexico. USA. -2013, “Indigenous Brilliance”, Arte nativo contemporáneo, Olocau, Valencia, Spain. Artist and Curator-2015 Dónde tus ojos me lleven Feeding Art Gallery, Madrid, Spain. 2015 Una ventana a Malasaña Feeding Art Gallery, Madrid, Spain. Deconstrucciones de Javi Felix Nidok Art Gallery, Barcelona, Spain. -2017. Arte Contra el Olvido. Boadilla de Rioseco, Castilla León, Spain. -2018. New York Armory Arts Weeks Galería Stricoff , New York, Chelsea, USA. -2018. Studio Art Fair International, Lisbon, Portugal. -2018. Resistence, Revolution and Sunflower The Dreamers effect Perve Galería, Lisboa, Portugal. 2019- JustMad X, Perve Galería. Madrid, Spain....

Artist Publications


Artist Collections

-Melero Blanco. Graphic Art Collection. Madrid, Spain
-Lusofonias. International Art Collection. Casa da Liberdade - Mário Cesariny. Lisboa, Portugal

Artist Favorites