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Artist Exhibitions

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Artist Publications

Le Monde, Paris March 6,1999, Page 1
Ce nouveau membre qui s�me le trouble aux Nations unies
New York Nations unies de notre corresponants
Afsane Bassir Pour
.......... Il ne fait pas de discours ne vote pas, n�a pas le droit de veto: Et pourtant le nouveau �membre� de l�ONU est aussi le plus populaire, A en croire les guides, les touriste ne demandent d�sormais qu�a voir ce �poids lourd� de l�Organisation internationale� install� dans les jardins du palais de verre : UN �l�phant offert aux Nations unies par le Kenya la Namibie et le N�pal.
The New York Times Friday, November 26, 1998

As Sculptor of Nature, the Man Thinks Big
by Joyce Wabler

�.....I Mihail have been reading Rousseau�s �Social Contract� and I am very influenced by it, the idea there is a contract between every member of society. I knew I had to make some contract between me and the elephant.�
A word he likes: �It will be an enchanting thing to make a contract with the elephant.�

CNN November 30, 1998
The Notebook

�People cannot face nature. This is how pitiful humanity is.�
MIHAIL, the sculptor of the anatomically correct elephant that was disguised by hedges before its dedication at the U.N.

Monitoring Report
Video Monitoring Services Of America, L.P.11 17 To 11 23, 1998

31 video reports.

Tribune de Geneve Geneve 22 February, 1981
Un sculpteur prend la d�fense de l��l�phant
Coer d�ivoire, Mihail expose ses oeuvres dans une galerie genevoise: du naturalisme � l�art conceptuel, elles sont toujours consacr�es au dernier de notre planete
..........Comment faire L�artiste bulgare, puis tunisien, puis am�ricain, a la sens de la relation publique. Il alle trouver commenditaire �ventuels, organisations officielles, amateurs, �cologistes chevronnes. S�enquit de toutes les caracteritiques elephantesques, commence � dessiner croquis et dessine. Puis s�entoure de tout un personnel specialise, tel qui m�decins.v�terinaires, personnels navigants avions, h�licopteres , alla faire des rap�rages au Kenya, non pas dans les r�serves mais dans la nature la plus natyrelle. Et quand il se sentit enfen pret, lui et son exp�dition-environ cent cinquante personnes - il convoque les agences de presse et tout le train et l�arri�re train, tout le tra-la-la, pour sa , ai bien que toute l�operation de A � Z, fut enregistr�e, film�e, transmise et retransmise, pour abotir a question quatre mille article dans la presse mondiale. Et ensuite � une s�rie d�oeuvres, pessant du naturalisme le plus total au conceptuel le plus �labore.

People New York, April 14, 1980
by Harry Minetree

............�The first cave drawing by man was a symbolic act of possesing nature. Man then proclaimed himself the center of nature and created laws to benefit his species alone. Now he must give back to nature its power.�
DISTANCE-U.T.A France October, 1980

by Thomas Haley

............There lay the Sleeping Elephant amid thorn trees, casting debris and silence. Ignorant of the world-wide attention that it would soon receive and its unusual role in the conservation of his own species, This elephant would symbolize all elephants. It's every wrinkle will be cast in bronze and displayed in public places, in museums, and perhaps even a bronze will stand on the spot where the event occurred.
.....Mihail staked off the casting area and put up a sign claiming this plot of earth where the sleeping elephant was cast free habitat for all elephants and all animals, including Man.

Quest New York, September, 1980
by Harry Minetree the workers withdrew, Chowdry administered the antidote, and Mihail leaned a hand lettered sign against the elephant�s side: �I, Mihail, hereby claim this plot of earth where the sleeping elephant was cast free habitat for all elephants and all animals, including man.�
The sound of the chopper brought the elephant around. Struggling on his feet, he looked once at the circle of eager faces, shook his head, and staggered off toward the riverine forest.
�Perfection,� Nicolas said.
Mihail opened his arms, white beyond the elbows shrugged, and winked his drooping eye: �Of course �
Domus, Italy 608, 1980
An Impressive feat of art performed in Kenya for the sake of ecology

............As Mihail himself says, the purpose of this difficult and dangerous operation was to state, through an act of purely symbolic reappropriation, man�s will to desist from all forms of exploitation of nature and of animal species. A charter of elephant rights has accordingly been drawn up, which pledges man to revise his laws to comply with a principle of respect for life in all its forms.

A Really Mammoth Art Project
Or How to Mold a Live elephant and Promote Conservation
by Andrew Torchia
............OL PEJETA RANCH, Kenya, March 20 AP
Mihail. leading one of the most bizarre wildlife experiments in Kenya�s 100 years of professional hunting, successfully made a life-size mold of a wild elephant yesterday while the animal lay amid thorn trees in a drugged sleep.

Daily NATION, Nairobi, Kenya Tuesday, March 4, 1980
Cast to remind us of a vanishing era
by Andrew Torchia

............This is art in the contemporary sence. The casting is nothing - it�s the idea, the preparation, the putting of forces together, the raising of consciousness,� he Mihail said. �Art is a major force capable of doing things. Look at the pyramids, look at the Easter Island monuments.�


Artist Collections

United Nations Headquarters
National Museum, Sofia, Bulgaria
Tunis art museumn, Tunisia
Yunis, city monuments
Palais Rumine,Laussane, Switzerland
Musee Moderne, Stockholm, Sweden
Collection Ahrenberg. Sweden
Sofia city collection

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