Artist Statement -

These pastel paintings are collaborative work by artists Ric Hall and Ron Schmitt. Ric and Ron work simultaneously, standing next to one another. They start each piece with no conscious plan as to what the final result will be. Rather, they rely on spontaneous collaboration in the moment to allow the images to develop. Working literally over and around each other, both artists develop all areas of the image. They work with little verbal discussion or debate, allowing their strokes to do the talking. At various points in the process they apply an anhydrous alcohol fixative to keep the pigment from shifting and ready it for the next layer of color. Ric and Ron have been painting using this method for over 25 years, even as their technique and perspectives have matured.

Artist Exhibitions

2012 atB2 Fine Arts ( IN Tacoma Washington - VICE & VIRTUE >> FRI JUNE 22 2012 — SAT JULY 28 2012 - 40 collaborative painting by Ron Schmitt and Ric Hall and a couple of sculptures by RIC.


Artist Publications


Artist Collections

Numerous private, corporate, museum, gallery and government collections detailed information coming soon.

Artist Favorites

Personal Favorites

Personal info and favorite links and sites coming soon.