Artist Statement -

After trying several painting and photography techniques, I chose watercolour as the main media of expression of feelings, sensations and thoughts.

The paintings always start with small dots of water and colour and through the interaction of both the paintings are born. All the things lost and lock in my memory, feelings and thoughts, images, landscapes, places, people and situations, appear between, the fields of colour, the lines, the forms and become alive.

I found, working with watercolours, my inner self. Watercolours were chosen as my main technique cause, with then and with small pieces of paper, I express myself totally. I no longer fell the pressure and the need, I felt before, of working on large canvas and I feel free to do whatever it comes to my mind. So the result of these last years of work is those paintings full of light, colour, life and movement. I found myself as a painter.

Artist Exhibitions

Photograhy Collective Exhibition " Trabalhos do olhar", Galeria do Hotel D. Henrique, Porto, Portugal, 1989.
Photograhy Collective Exhibition "Fragmentos", Galeria do Labirintho-Bar, Porto, Portugal, 1989.
Photograhy Collective Exhibition "Galeria de Estilistas - Código", Porto , Portugal, 1990.
Photograhy Collective Exhibition "Códigos", Galeria do Labirintho-Bar, Porto, Portugal, 1991.
Participation in "1º Concurso Nacional dos Jovens nas Artes", Portugal, 1994.
Painting Collective Exhibition "Jovens Artistas da Maia", Fórum Jovem da Maia, Maia, Portugal, 1994.
Painting Collective Exhibition "da arte", Fórum da Maia, Maia, Portugal, 1995.
Painting Collective Exhibition "A Figura Humana na Arte Contemporânea", Museu da Faculdade de Belas Artes do Porto, Porto, Portugal, 1997.
Engraving Collective Exhibition "1ºs Encontros de Gravura 97", Casa das Artes, Porto, Portugal, 1997.
Plastic Arts Collective Exhibition "Exposição de Finalistas da Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto", Castelo de Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, 1997.
Plastic Arts Collective Exhibition "Espaço-Lupa", Palácio do Vimioso, Évora, Portugal, 1997.
Plastic Arts Collective Exhibition "Prémio de Pintura e Escultura D. Fernando II", Sintra, Portugal, 1998.
Plastic Arts Collective Exhibition, Casa da Juventude de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal, 2000.
Plastic Arts Collective Exhibition "II Bienal de Arte Jovem de Vila Verde", Braga, Portugal, June, 2001.
Participation in "Prémio Rothschild de Pintura", Lisboa, Portugal, September, 2003.
Participation in the auction "Leilão Jovens Pintores", Palácio do Correio Velho, Lisboa, Portugal , December, 2003.
Painting Collective Exhibition, Galeria do Príncipe Real, Lisboa, Portugal, February, 2005.
Participation in "The Art Card", Sharjah Art Museum, United Arab Emirates, June, 2005.
Participation in "XVII Certamen de Minicuadros", Museo del Calzado, Alicante, España, March, 2006.
Individual Painting Exhibition, Casa dos Crivos, Braga, Portugal, February, 2007.
Individual Painting Exhibition, Semente - Centro Macrobiótico de Braga, Braga, Portugal, January, 2008.
Plastic Arts Colletctive Exhibition "Heat", Ico Gallery, New York, USA, 6th - 25 th August, 2008.
Paintings for the operas 2008 / 2009 of Teatro nacional de S. Carlos, Lisboa, Portugal.
Participation in Internacional Art Show, Puro Arte, Vigo, Spain, 15 th - 19 th January 2009.
Plastic Arts Colletctive Exhibitions, Art Meeting in London III, The Old Ship Gallery, London, UK, 18th - 25th April 2009.
Collective Contemporary Art Exhibition, Opera Gallery, Budapest, Hungary, 9th May - 6th June 2009.
Exposição Internacional, Poésie Visualle dans Paris II, Galeries Artitude, Paris, França, 4 a 11 julho 2009.
Internacional Art Show, V Feria Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo de Marbella, Marbella, Espanha, 9 a 13 setembro 2009.
Mostra "Art Meeting in São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil, 17 de junho 2010.
Feira Internacional de Arte, ArtExpo, New York, USA, 25 a 28 de março 2010.
Colectiva de Artes Plásticas "Soares dos reis, anos 80", exposição integrada nas comemorações dos 125 anos da Escola Artística Soares dos Reis, Porto, 12 janeiro a 12 de março 2010.
Colectiva de Artes Plásticas “DAD – Proposta um”, Museu da Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto, Porto, 24 janeiro a 15 fevereiro 2012.
Colectiva de Artes Plásticas “Co-eficiência: Algumas variáveis”, curadoria de Guy Amado, Sput&nik the window, Porto, 11 a de junho 2012.
Coletiva de Artes Plásticas “DAD 3ª Edição”, Museu da Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto, Porto, 3 a 20 de julho 2012.


Artist Publications


Artist Collections

Numerous private, corporate, museum, gallery and government collections detailed information coming soon.

Artist Favorites

Personal Favorites