Hello everyone,
My name is Susana Roque. I am a contemporary artist living in Canada. I trained as an artist at SFU, Emily Carr and at Laval University. My art work explores our relationship to text, our bodies, spirituality and nature to learn more about who we are. I am also interested in making art about our relationship to animals from a human rights angle to help them and to see what our knowledge about them says about ourselves. My main body of work has been in photography this past year but I also work in all mediums since I build my art from my ideas first and then translate it into a medium that can best express them.
Like most contemporary artists in BC, my contemporary art training consisted in learning a lot about combining images and text together in different media. I am taking this a step further to incorporate dialogue and story telling in my work through video and multimedia. I work with drawing, painting , sculpture, mixed media and sound but my main area of interest at the moment is in making interactive ebooks or enhanced books for the web. I am interested in mixing different kind of art forms - such as video, photography, sound and animation - with multimedia and computing science. I look forward to learning more about how to make books more creative with art, technology and writing.
From my work in making ebooks, I have created different series of original work. I made an interactive ebook called The Elephant Tree at www.theelephantttree.com that explores our relationship to nature, spirituality, old age and animals. I also made some art booklets this past year to display recent my series of work in Vancouver, Photography for The Elephant Tree and Vancouver. A lot of my creative work in art, which I am posting and documenting on this site, has been a part of the process of making ebooks.
My work is represented at Sketchbook Communications, www.sketchbookcommunications.com , an on-line company that specializes in combining stories, technology and art. The gallery section of this website displays series of original works which are available for exhibitions at galleries and artist run centres and as well as for individual collectors.
I have a blog here on this site where you can learn more about me and my art. I look forward to documenting creative work for you and telling you more about it as I create more in the future. I am working on some video, writing and photography for two interactive projects this year which I will write about in my blog. I also hope to complete a photography project about nature and the environment in a small art booklet called Inverness Street this year. I posted a lot of the photographs in it on the homepage of this website.
Thank you for visting me on this website !
Susana Roque