Artist Statement -

Exploring the issues of color, texture, form and line, my work is intended to provide the viewer with a profound vision achieved through a meditative or cosmic experience. I attempt to document and reveal personal conflicting attitudes, opposing forces, and raw, energetic states of being. I hope to challenge the viewer with these documents as well as reflect upon the fluidic optical experience through abstract forms. By drawing on images and forms inspired by the imagination, nature, sketchbook studies, and the surrounding environment, I continue to search for and attempt to create beauty in an expressionist mode of painting.

Artist Exhibitions

I am in the process of compiling my past and current exhibition opportunities.

Artist Publications


Artist Collections

Vogel Law Firm, Fargo, North Dakota, USA
Blue Cross Blue Shield,Fargo,North Dakota, USA
Hotel Donaldson, Fargo, North Dakota, USA
West Acres Mall, Fargo, North Dakota, USA...

Artist Favorites

Personal Favorites