Artist Statement -

The main topic of my most recent work is human memory. I began this topic research due to my strong desire to know who I am and what my purpose is in this life. I took my own most important memories as material on the basis of which I hoped to understand what emotions and images have affected me most strongly. In this way I hoped to mark out my main qualities and characteristics and so to understand what kind of a person I am. I found that the emotions that I feel when bringing these memories to mind are often deceptive. Here, deceptive means that the images and emotions I felt when recalling these memories are very independent, and only vaguely connected with my real memories. I found that my brain use semotions and images from my memories in order to reach a particular state of mind, and that the brain is constantly changing memories as it needs to in order to give them the ‘right’ form. Than I understood that I cannot use my ‘real’ memories as material for analyzing my true individuality. I therefore figured out a new system of creating memories by myself. I took some elements from my ‘real’ memories and mixed them. I also added some elements from my dreams and fantasies. For me, the most interesting thing about this manipulation is how the meaning of the elements of my memories changes when I put them into a new context. How the very important things might lose their importance, or how the less important elements become more important and interesting in a new context. By creating new memories I also wanted to emphasize the (d)elusiveness o f ‘ real ’ memories. Creating artificial memories has allowed me not to enter into a strong emotional dependence upon memory. This system helps me to support and gain increasing control over my consciousness. Thanks to it, I have managed to open up much more space in my memory, and the past has ceased to play such a strong role in my present life. So the method of replacing ‘real’ memories with new, invented memories has proved to be a peculiar way of clarifying consciousness and, as a result, of comprehending the true ‘ I’.

Artist Exhibitions

I am in the process of compiling my past and current exhibition opportunities.

Artist Publications


Artist Collections

Numerous private, corporate, museum, gallery and government collections detailed information coming soon.

Artist Favorites

Personal Favorites

Personal info and favorite links and sites coming soon.