Artist Statement -

I look for the universal beneath the particular and for the particular above the universal.
I draw on a sheet of paper placed on floor - I move around the paper and then mark down the lines and dots capturing the very moment at hand. No pre-made plans in my head. When drawing a line or dot my whole effort and attention is there at the tip of the pencil. By listening to the momentary sound the pencil makes on the surface, every drawing is the most truthful memory of the time taken up by the making of the drawing. There is no beginning or end, no top or bottom, no reference to the scale of it all. In the viewers’ eyes, ears and mind, the continuous movement of lines and dots on the surface offers many kinds of silence.

In my video work I point my video camera towards carefully chosen ordinary phenomena and record long takes without moving the camera in the hope that something essential about the subject matter reveals itself. I study the footage closely by slowing it way down and at times reversing it. I try looking at it upside down or sideways, all this in order to end up with a video which conveys something essential about the subject matter at hand.

I am interested in the never ending process of becoming with no story, no beginning, no end—just the current moment in flux.

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Artist Exhibitions

I am in the process of compiling my past and current exhibition opportunities.

Artist Publications


Artist Collections

Numerous private, corporate, museum, gallery and government collections detailed information coming soon.

Artist Favorites

Personal Favorites

Personal info and favorite links and sites coming soon.