Artists Describing Their Art:
Ted Schaal - Lately I have been exploring the use of two enduring materials, bronze and stainless steel. I enjoy the juxtaposition of the primitive texture in the bronze with the mirror polished modern look of the stainless. Balance and symmetry dominate simple geometric forms. These sculptures are made to last through the ages with the highest level of craftsmanship and quality metals. Most of my latest work can be scaled up for public or corporate settings and commission inquiries are welcome. With over 20 years of sculpture experience anything is possible from desk top size to monumental fountains and sculpture. ...
Ted Schaal -
James Johnson - The basis of my work is the exploration of universal patterns of being common to everyone such as shadow, hero, or trickster. My interest in patterns of being is a fascination that we all share common behaviors or emotions that can be understood singularly. Each pattern of being may be expressed as a figurative sculpture of hand cast aluminum alloy at half-life scale. Patterns of being may be referenced with Jungian archetypes. My hope is to make patterns of being more visible and tangible. Deject Selected as Best in show at the 2021 Piccolo Spoleto Art Exhibition ...
Plamen Yordanov - I share the idea of an art that creates reality instead of offering its conventional model. I want to provoke the birth of view that go beyond the boundary of reality itself. These viewpoints stress an order that exist "a priory" in nature and can be developed again and again. This aspect makes the picture exist as a signal that gives the onlooker a chance to go deep into his/her life experience and mind. This is a universal signal to which the individual responds in un unique manner and creates his/her own reality. ...
Avril Ward - ArtistaEURtms statement. Creating has become an intricately woven part of my life. I must express nature, as it is my window to God. I must delight in the human body, a marvel that never ceases to amaze. I must express love and joy-this keeps them tangible in my life. I must trust my instincts and skills allowing them to lead me in the right direction. Most importantly: if my art can move a person to pause, think, smile, ponder, cry, laugh, be encouraged or give them hope, then I have served my purpose in life.aEUR To view a video about, my inspiration and work methods in sculpture please copy and paste the link to your browser.
Jacques Malo - A native of Cap de la Madeleine, Jacques Malo began his studies in fine arts at College and the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivieres, QuA(c)bec, Canada. During these years of training, he further explores the materials and assembly techniques of modern sculpture. In 1982 my artistic journey really took off, going away more and more of domination and the influence of my teachers of fine arts. The importance I attach to the spontaneity in the creative process was problematic in sculpture. Then I began to make an approach using Styrofoam as a material and the technique of direct carving, allowed me to shape volumes with a gesture so eager to be possible in size, the images arose in my mind. To get a solid finish and acceptable, I used the fibreglass, resin and paint spray. This artistic journey was the subject of my solo exhibition at the Imagier, gallery of art in Aylmer in 1984. The event'Sculptors at work' allowed me to explore other material, marble. Always with the technique of direct carving, I began to explore this area in order to truly know its challenges and achieve more, to measure my ability to overcome such material. ...
Martin Glick - As a realistic sculptor I have often been accused of running against the tide of the more modern and abstract movements, but if you take a good look at the work the design is abstract. The look of the work may be, at first glance academic or classical, but the composition is very much in today's idiom. There is a strong sense of movement. Even in the symmetrical sculptures you feel as if they are about to move, like a stop motion camera. They all invite invite you to walk around and see the other side. There is often a strong emotional element and or a narrative. In some sense I am a story teller. Even when viewing one of my portraits you see the subject. Their history and personality is in their face for you to see and to react to. I have been told that my sculptures have something that is unique. There is a twist to the norm, a twist of the form, an emotional element that is mine. It is my heart and my particular view of the world. No price quoted on a sculpture means that it is at a gallery. All i inquiries...
Emilio Merlina - I was born in 1950 in the North East of Italy from a polish mother and a sicilian father. I toured the world until I was 35, then I returned to Italy and picked up again my old passion painting and sculpture. As for myself, I can only say thoughts and paintings, paintings and thoughts. Everything maybe useless, however everything is life. A-A?A1/2The human being leaves its signs, graffiti, indian dreams and imagination. Now I only have left a few more possibilities to express the colors which are not. Only the sign, scratched, angry or brushed is the witness. The sign has passed from there and there it has lived.A-A?A1/2 Emilio Merlina Some hear if a door opens Others hear a latch which opens or closes Others more they hear the Angel when he turns over a page of the Great Book From the novel Missa Sine Nomine By Ernst Wiechert I have words which relegate my hunger And the hunger which owns my body but which do not confine them I have words which are both my confined hunger and body By the Italian poetess Paola Lovisolo ...