Tempera Paintings

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Ronald Weisberg, Dan Shiloh, Lucia Timis, Leo Evans, Lois Di Cosola, Youri Messen-jaschin, Michael Puya, Nicholas Down, Leonid Vidrak, Abiodun Ijiyera offering original Tempera Paintings artworks. Egg tempera paint is a permanent fast drying paint consisting of colored pigments mixed with a water soluble medium used for binding usually glutinous materials such as egg yolk. Early tempera paintings going back to the 1st century AD still exist today. It was the primary medium for painting until the 1500's when is went out of vogue because of the invention of oil paint. Tempera painting as a medium was one of the main media used for illuminated manuscripts in the Byzantine world and then Medieval / Early Renaissance Europe. Many famous Italian painters such as Botticelli, Michelangelo, Raphael as well as many earlier Icons used this type of paint. As we can see today, it is an excellent material for surviving throughout the centuries to today. Throughout history this type of paint has been "rediscovered" by many artists such as William Blake, the Nazarenes art movement, the Pre-Raphealites asd well as de Chirico, Otto Dix and Andrew Wyeth all used egg tempera painting. Of course 20th century Indian art such as the Bengal school and Ganesh Pyne have used this medium extensively.

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Ronald Weisberg: 'feather fan', 2016 Tempera Painting, Figurative.  fantasy, portrait, calm, day dream, oriental screen, feather, feather fan, painted screen, flowers, vase, marble stand, silk robe, scarf, ...
Figurative - Painting
60 x 40 inches (152.4 x 101.6 cm)
Ronald Weisberg: 'bird cage', 2016 Tempera Painting, Figurative. meditation, woman, oriental robe, birdcage, kimono, incense burner, building, landscape, fabric chair, ...
, 2016
Figurative - Painting
40 x 60 inches (101.6 x 152.4 cm)
Dan Shiloh: 'genoa italy', 2023 Tempera Painting, Cityscape. Woman selling on the streets of Genoa Italy...
Cityscape - Painting
35 x 50 cm (13.8 x 19.7 inches)
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Dan Shiloh: 'malta', 2023 Tempera Painting, Landscape. Malta harbor...
, 2023
Landscape - Painting
50 x 35 cm (19.7 x 13.8 inches)
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Dan Shiloh: 'fiddler in paris france', 2023 Tempera Painting, Cityscape. A fiddler playing on the street in Paris France...
Cityscape - Painting
35 x 50 cm (13.8 x 19.7 inches)
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Dan Shiloh: 'genoa italy', 2023 Tempera Painting, Cityscape. Street in Genoa Italy...
Cityscape - Painting
35 x 50 cm (13.8 x 19.7 inches)
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Dan Shiloh: 'malta street', 2023 Tempera Painting, Cityscape. Street in Malta...
Cityscape - Painting
35 x 50 cm (13.8 x 19.7 inches)
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Lucia Timis: 'icons', 2005 Tempera Painting, Religious. Reversed painting on glass, egg tempera, gold leaf ...
, 2005
Religious - Painting
5.5 x 7 cm (2.2 x 2.8 inches)
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Lucia Timis: 'Icon Religious ', 2005 Tempera Painting, Religious.  Reversed painting on glass, egg tempera, gold leaf ...
Religious - Painting
11 x 16 cm (4.3 x 6.3 inches)
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Leo Evans: 'HOLLYWOOD CHATTER', 2012 Tempera Painting, Abstract.
Abstract - Painting
18.5 x 24 inches (47.0 x 61.0 cm)
Leo Evans: 'BOLLYWOOD CHATTER', 2012 Tempera Painting, Abstract.
Abstract - Painting
18.5 x 24 inches (47.0 x 61.0 cm)
Leo Evans: 'NOHOLLYWOOD CHATTER', 2012 Tempera Painting, Abstract.
Abstract - Painting
18.5 x 24.5 inches (47.0 x 62.2 cm)
Leo Evans: 'Cant Wait Anymore', 2012 Tempera Painting, Abstract.   Cant Wait Anymore ~ BY LEO EVANS ~ LEOEVANS. COM ~ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ~ 2012 ~ New Art by Leo Evans  ...
Abstract - Painting
17 x 20 inches (43.2 x 50.8 cm)
Leo Evans: 'JUST YOU', 2012 Tempera Painting, Abstract.              Just You ~ BY LEO EVANS ~ LEOEVANS. COM ~ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ~ 2012 ~ New Art by Leo Evans               ...
, 2012
Abstract - Painting
17 x 20 inches (43.2 x 50.8 cm)
Leo Evans: 'N the Middle of Something', 2012 Tempera Painting, Abstract.            N the Middle of Something ~ BY LEO EVANS ~ LEOEVANS. COM ~ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ~ 2012 ~ New Art by Leo Evans             ...
Abstract - Painting
17 x 20 inches (43.2 x 50.8 cm)
Lois Di Cosola: 'December 20', 2008 Tempera Painting, Abstract Landscape. from the December paintings on paper...
Abstract Landscape - Painting
12 x 18 inches (30.5 x 45.7 cm)
Youri Messen-jaschin: 'Honney moon', 1996 Tempera Painting, Optical. Description Gouache on paper  collage Kinetic ArtA-A? A1/2 1996 by ProLitteris Po.  Box CH- 8033 ZurichA-A? A1/2 1996 by Youri Messen- Jaschin Switzerland...
Optical - Painting
60 x 60 cm (23.6 x 23.6 inches)
Lucia Timis: 'Landscape 01', 1980 Tempera Painting, Abstract. Egg tempera painting...
Abstract - Painting
38 x 47 inches (96.5 x 119.4 cm)
Youri Messen-jaschin: 'Dollar trip VI', 1996 Tempera Painting, Optical. Gouache on paper Kinetic Art  A(r) 1996 by ProLitteris, Po. Box CH- 8033 Zurich / A(c) 1996 by Youri Messen- Jaschin Switzerland...
Optical - Painting
60 x 80 cm (23.6 x 31.5 inches)
Youri Messen-jaschin: 'Red Blue', 1966 Tempera Painting, Optical. Gouache on paperA(r) 1966. by ProLitteris PO. Box  CH- 8033 Zurich A(c) 1966 by Youri Messen- Jaschin Switzerland ...
, 1966
Optical - Painting
50 x 670 cm (19.7 x 263.8 inches)
Michael Puya: 'Blowing In The Wind', 2003 Tempera Painting, Abstract.
Abstract - Painting
47 x 31 inches (119.4 x 78.7 cm)
Nicholas Down: 'Applecross', 2003 Tempera Painting, Abstract. Tempera on gesso prepared panel...
, 2003
Abstract - Painting
28 x 22 inches (71.1 x 55.9 cm)
Youri Messen-jaschin: 'Hommages aux Indiens', 1996 Tempera Painting, Optical. Gouache on paperKinetic Art A(r) 1996. by ProLitteris, Po. Box CH- 8033 Zurich A(c) 1996 by Youri Messen- Jaschin Switzerland ...
Optical - Painting
60 x 80 cm (23.6 x 31.5 inches)
Youri Messen-jaschin: 'Trip to Israel', 1996 Tempera Painting, Optical. Gouache on paperKinetic ArtOptical artA,A(r) 1996. by ProLitteris, PoBox  CH- 8033 Zurich / A,A(c) 1996 by Youri Messen- Jaschin Switzerland ...
Optical - Painting
60 x 70 cm (23.6 x 27.6 inches)
Youri Messen-jaschin: 'Dollar trip I', 1996 Tempera Painting, Optical. Gouache on paperKinetic ArtA,A(r) 1996. by ProLitteris, Po. Box CH- 8033 Zurich / A,A(c) 1996 by Youri Messen- Jaschin Switzerland ...
Optical - Painting
60 x 70 cm (23.6 x 27.6 inches)
Youri Messen-jaschin: 'Point I', 1997 Tempera Painting, Optical. Gouache on paperKinetic ArtA,A(r) 1997. by ProLitteris, Po. Box CH- 8033 Zurich / A,A(c) 1997 by Youri Messen- Jaschin Switzerland ...
, 1997
Optical - Painting
60 x 80 cm (23.6 x 31.5 inches)
Leonid Vidrak: 'illusive reality', 2013 Tempera Painting, undecided. Illusive reality, Oil on canvas .This work is at promotional discounts rate as an incentive for new and returning collectors ...
undecided - Painting
30 x 36 inches (76.2 x 91.4 cm)
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Leonid Vidrak: 'Rhapsody over the sun', 2008 Tempera Painting, undecided.  Rhapsody over the sun ...
undecided - Painting
36 x 48 inches (91.4 x 121.9 cm)
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Abiodun Ijiyera: 'creation', 2008 Tempera Painting, Abstract. Exploration of big ideas- - mythology...
, 2008
Abstract - Painting
12 x 18 inches (30.5 x 45.7 cm)
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Richard Solstjarna: 'myth and reality no8', 2011 Tempera Painting, Abstract. Dimensions are the Frame size.  Comes with white passepartout.This work was made for an exhibition in a church in MalmAfAP .  The ExhibitionPhoenix - Myth and Realitywas exhibited during Easter.  Paper was chosen to work with since the whole theme is about change and transformation.  Paper are more fragile then canvas ...
Abstract - Painting
19.7 x 23.6 inches (50.0 x 59.9 cm)
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(Page 1 of 6) - MORE ARTWORKS

Artists Describing Their Art:

Dan Shiloh - I was born in Jerusalem Israel. I attended an officers nautical school and served in the navy as an engineer on a destroyer. After the navy I moved to Chicago USA and studied architecture at U of I Chicago campus and graduated in 1972 . I moved back to Israel and opened an architectural office in a small settlement in the Galilee region which became very successful. I retired about 10 years ago and opened as a hobby a black smith studio where I made metal sculptures. In 2009 I moved to Tel Aviv and started painting and sculpting in clay which I do up to these days. I was always interested in arts and I enjoy my painting and sculpting very much. Every year I travel to Florence Italy for at least a month where I paint and sculpt in the Accademia de Arte. I think its about time to share my work with the public and I hope it will enrich the homes of who ever likes my works....

Youri Messen-Jaschin - Award 1963 1st Prize of contemporary engraving Center of Engraving Geneva MusAfA(c)e dAC/a,!a,,C/art et dAC/a,!a,,C/Histoire Geneva 1966 Grant of the Swedish state for study at the University of Gothenburg research in the textil in Op art 1969 USA Gould corporation 1st prize for the realization of a Op art sculpture 1970 2 nd prize for a textile work - electro-acoustic, University of Gothenburg 1971 1 st prize for a textile work - electro-acoustic, RAfAPhsska Museum Gothenburg 1985 Italiy Centro Studi e Ricerche delle Nazioni World Culture Award Statue of Victory 1985 1985 Centro Studi e Ricerche lAC/a,!a,,C/Accademia dAC/a,!a,,C/Europa Diploma of Appointment of Academician of Europe for its cultural and professional activity 1986 Diploma European SchowmenAC/a,!a,,C/s Union For his sincere efforts on behalf of the European ShowmenAC/a,!a,,C/s Union we hereby extend our special appreciation to. Bruxelles IV73 1987 Diploma of nomination Golden Elephant for the merits that he acquired to the cause of the circus Schweizer National Circus GebrAfA1/4der Knie Rapperswil 1998 Installation Award Certificate of Merit Research in Op art Angel Orensanz Foundation, Center for the arts, New York 2000 Aim for Arts, International juried exhibition, celebrating artistic achievement Federation of ...

Nicholas Down - During the past few years I have had the privilege of visiting some of the most beautiful landscapes on earth including CaliforniaaEURtms Sequoia National Forest, Yosemite and Joshua Tree National Parks, the red rocks of Sedona Arizona, the tough deserts of Canyonlands and Arches in Utah, Monument Valley in Navajo Nation, and of course the Grand Canyon. I was awestruck with the beauty and silences of these places and deeply inspired to create a number of new paintings and films which attempt to capture the essence of what I felt both as an artist and as a human being. I am increasingly aware of the threats to these landscapes, not just in the short term, but in the future, as the effects of climate change begin to alter rain patterns, glaciers and local ecologies in ways we are only just beginning to comprehend. My paintings are part of my extended homage to nature and are my abstract impressions of colour, mystery, and the spirit of place. My recent paintings have been hugely influenced by the winter here in New York State... frozen waterfalls, ice, snow drifts and landscapes blazing in winter hues. Technical Notes I continue to use the ...

Leonid Vidrak - Leonid I. Vidrak Internationally recognised Artist, Designer, Architect, and Graphic Artist. Works are held in public and private collections in the United States, Israel, Russia and Europe. Educated in School of Fine Arts and Academy of Arts and Architecture in Russia. Works in Oil, Tempera, Mixed Media, Watercolor and Graphic Design. Living and working in the New York City metropolitan area, United States. Latest exhibitions and events include participation in X Florence Biennale 2015, publishing in Art- Tour International, works for VIDA Collection and participation in ArtExpo 2016 Milano, Paris - Carrousel du Louvre, 2017 ...

Abiodun Ijiyera - Artist Statement In style, content and formal properties, my artwork reflects the motifs found in the traditional arts and crafts of the Yoruba people. The themes revolve around occupations, religious images, music, fashion designs, myths and folklores. Initially, when I was in college, the images recalled subconsciously. Recently, though, I make deliberate efforts to incorporate the familiar symbols and designs found in various traditional wears, musical instruments, carvings, and batik dyeing, in my artworks. The talking drums or the baritone igbin drums with their intricate carvings are much more than the sounds they produce. The formal elements expressed by the striped cords, and the wooden pegs that stretch the hide taut, beautifully illustrate graceful lines and textured organic shapes that end up as focal points in my works. Religious subjects from biblical stories are also a source of inspiration for my creative work. Though many of the stories can be narrative, I portray the images in stylized forms. The idea of stylizing started out as a way of getting kids to look for clues in solving puzzles about biblical personalities and events in our Children Ministry at church. It has since become another style of self-expression for me. ...