Artist Statement -

I am a still life and cityscape artist and a contemporary realist I paint and draw a moment of ligh with all of its visual contradictions. I work in oils, oi on paper, pencil, silverpoint, watercolr and lithography.
I have strong feelings about my still life objects which are carefully observed from life. The relationship between the objects are formal but at times they have an implied narrative. Although my approach tends to be linear and precise, I try to have a beatiful and sensual surface.
My cityscapes which are photobased, also discribe one moment of light. The forms and space in these paintings are clear with docrative patterns, windows, trees, graffitti. . Recent cityscapes are industrial

Artist Exhibitions

over 30 solo exhibitions Forum Gallery, NYC,Wustrum Museum, Rahr West Museum, Univ of Richmond...

group exhibitions, over 300 Brooklyn Museum, Boston Museum, Chicago Instit., National Academy of Art,Arkansas Art Center, ......

Artist Publications


Artist Collections

Brooklyn Museum, Art Institute of Chicago, Boston Museum,Carnegie, Indianapolis Museum, National Academy of Art Museum, National Museum of American Art, Arkansas Art Center, Rahr West Museum, Portland Art Museum, Israel Museum, Jrwish Museum, NYC, N.Y. historic Scity, Ringling Museum School, Pratt Graphics Center, de Young Fine Art Museum, and many others...

Artist Favorites

Personal Favorites press s on alphabet bar and scroll to Ls face book under Ben Shechter look under photos...