Artist Statement -

I am not rigid author stuck in my tried and true manner of expression. My interests branched from painting into installation and video and vice versa, because I am exploring the gesture of representation with different “lens.” I am finding the way to modernize and rename the formal cognitions of modernism into completely different constellations of meaning.
My research on perception and the use of light lead to image spaces where the shades and highlights of colors, blended into each other, create the monochromatic visual effect thus provoking an impression on the observer. Working between those limits and kind of pointing them out is something I enjoy doing because it’s not just the fact that you are bringing the cosmos down into the space where you live, but that your perception helps create that as well.

Artist Exhibitions

Selected exhibitions and art projects

2000- 10 + 10, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Graz, Austria
2002- Water to Air Project, The Tube Gallery, Amsterdam, Netherland
2003- Mr. B, Guerilla Performance Locator, Web art project, London, GB
2003- Images of Desire 3, Artwalk, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2004- Y-Rebis, Hest 35 Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2004- The Pink Triangle: GAD, The Young Artists&<8217; Biennial, Bucharest 2004, Romania
2004- III.Bienale of small format paintings, Ljutomer, Slovenia
2005- Extasis, Kresija Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2005- Slovenia 2005, Majski Salon, Koper- Izola- Piran, Slovenia
2005- Napalvine 2005, Galerija Hest, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2005- Grand Prix des Ambassadeurs, Les Decourtenay Galleries, Châtelet, Belgium
2006- ABC Hermeticum, id:doma, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2006- 5-th International Exhibition of Miniatures, Vilnius, Lithuania
2006- Decoding Pittura Immedia 3, Galerija ZDSLU, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2006- Junge Slowenische Kunst, Galerie Sikoronja, Rosegg, Austria
2006- Liberté d´Expression exhibition / Barclays Global Headquarters, London, GB
2006- Let's Make One Minute, SCCA, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2006- Field of vision: Extremes, Institut für Neue Medien, Frankfurt am Mein, Germany
2006- II. International Printmaking Exhibition, Amire Art Centre, Istambul, Turkey
2007- Pulse, Artyfakt Gallery, Singapur
2007- Bivalni ateljeji Ob Ljubljanici, Galerija Kresija, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2007- Is Abstract Art Death? Galllery 345, London, GB
2007- Déja vu, Festival do Minuto, Rio de Janeiro, Brazilia
2008- Prototype Archetype, White Hall, Vilnius, Lithuania
2008- Narave 5, Be¾igrajska galerija, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2008- Transfer, Galerija Krsko, Krsko, Slovenia
2008- Video Festival Aarau, Aarau, Switzerland
2008- The Beat of Global Abstraction I, Californian Institute of Integral Studies Gallery, San Francisco, California, USA
2008- For better tomorrow, Mestna galerija, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2009- The Beat of Global Abstraction II, West Chester University Art Galleries, Knauer Gallery, West Chester, Pennsylvania, USA
2010- Exlibris, Galerija S, Ljubljanski grad, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2010- Iz samih lucnih zarkov, Institut Jožef Štefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2010- Lumi, Galerija Hest, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2010- Pintura Fresca: Contemporary Abstract Artist, Galerie Nothburga, Innsbruck, Austria
2011- "10", Edsvik Konsthall, Sollentuna- Stockholm, Sweden
2011- Dreaming Europe - Real Europe; Forum Kunst und Architektur, Essen, Germany
2012- Prints and Impressions, International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC),
Ljubljana, Slovenia
2012- Project Berlin, Factory Art Gallery, Berlin, Germany...

Artist Publications

Miran Kres, The Quintessence of Painter Images and Mantras, Mentor 1- 2, page 56- 58, 2002
Matjaz Brulc, Miran Kres: Y- Rebis, Deloskop nu.13, page 58, 2004
Jelka Sutej Adamic: The Hermetic, Delo, page 9, 20. May 2004
Petra Skabarné- Exhibition Catalogue: Miran Kres: Y- Rebis, Gallery Hest 35, Ljubljana, 2004
Exhibitions- Ljubljana: Miran Kres: Y- Rebis, Delo, page 12, 20th May 2004
Semira Osmanagic: Analytical Psychology and Alchemy, Nedelo, page 26, 23rd May 2004
RTV Slovenia: The Abstract Exploration of Mysticism, 15:00, 21st June 2004
Visual Codes and Identities- Exhibition Catalogue: The Young Artist Biennial, Bucharest, Romania, October 2004
RTV Slovenija: The Abstract Sun in Kresija, 19:54, 29th March 2005
Jelka ©utej Adamiè: The Abstraction Symbolism, Delo, page 10, 25th March 2005
Deloskop danes: Miran Kres and Barbara Demsar- Extasis, Delo, page 11, 29th March 2005
Adela Vukoviè: The Cultural Compass, Finance, 25th May 2005
Petra Skabarné- Exhibition Catalogue: Miran Kres: Extasis, Galerija Kresija, Ljubljana, 2005
Elvira Mise: With Abstraction to Symbolism, Mag- nu. 14, page 61, 6th April 2005
RTV Slovenija: The finalists for Henkel Art Award, 11:52, 22nd July 2005
Exhibition "Decoding Pittura Immedia 3 Mirana Kre¹a", STA, Ljubljana, 06.7. 2006
Jadranka Sumi: Decoding Pittura Immedia 3,, 6. 7. 2006
Exhibition Mirana Kre¹a,, 6. 7. 2006
Exhibition: "Decoding Pittura Immedia 3 Mirana Kre¹a,, 06. 07. 2006
RGL / news/ cultura: Slikarska razstava "Decoding Pittura Immedia 3 Mirana Kre¹a, Ljubljana, 06. julij 2006
Radio student Ljubljana /news, 2006-07-06, Decoding Pittura Immedia 3
Exhibition "Decoding Pittura Immedia 3 Mirana Kre¹a,, 6.7.2006 ob 07.25
RTV Slovenija: Enlightenment didn't exile Alchemy, 5 julij 2006 14:36 in 6.julij 2006 19.02
KRES, Miran Decoding Pittura Immedia 3: Exhibition, Zveza dru¹tev slovenskih likovnih umetnikov, Exhibition Catalogue, 2006
Miran Kres: Decoding Pittura Immedia 3 (opening),Dnevnik, str. 17, Exhibition, Ljubljana, 6. 7. 2006
Miran Kres: Decoding Pittura Immedia 3, Delo, Deloskop, str. 14, Vizual Art, Ljubljana, 6. 7. 2006
Info TV: Odkrivanje elementov, 7.julij 2006 17:15, 18:15, 19:15 in 20:15
Mlada slovenska umetnost na Koro¹kem, Dnevnik, stran 14, petek 18. avgusta 2006
RTV Slovenija: Kljub razliènosti kaosa ne bo, 17. avgust 2006 11:58 in
18. avgust 2006 00:00
Mlada slovenska umetnost- intervju, ORF Radio, 18. avgust 2006
Razstava mlade slovenske umetnosti na avstrijskem Koroskem, Stran: KULTURA IN
SOLSTVO, petek, 18. avgust 2006
Èarli TV: Razstava slovenskih umetnikov, 14. avgust 2006
Razstava slovenskih umetnikov na avstrijskem, petek 18. avgusta 2006,
Razstava mlade slovenske umetnosti na avstrijskem Koroskem, Ljubljanske novice-SLOVENIJA, petek, 18.8.2006
Mlada slovenska umetnost na avstrijskem Koroskem, 18.8.2006,
©tiri razliène zgodbe: Mlada slovenska umetnost, povezana v eno, City magazine,
¹tevilka 11, letnik 3, 4. september 2006
V galeriji Krka notranje prapokrajne Mirana Kre¹a, 24. 10. 2006,
Miran Kre¹: Ogenj, zemlja, zrak in voda- slike, 19.10. 2006,
RGL / novice / kultura: V galeriji Krka notranje prapokrajne Mirana Kre¹a,
Ljubljana, 19. oktober 2006
Miran Kres: Ogenj , zemlja, zrak in voda, Dnevnik, Scena, stran 16, 19. 10. 2006
Galerija Krka: Miran Kres, Deloskop, stran 17, cetrtek, 19. oktobra 2006
Maksimiljana Ipavec: Notranje prapokrajne, Primorske novice, KULTURA, stran 12,
petek 20.oktobra 2006
Marko Gabrijelèiè: Umetni¹ka kolonija, Ambient, december 2006
RTV SLOVENIJA 1: Mladi umetniki v Kresiji; 04.07.2007, novinarka Meta Èesnik;
01:25; Odmevi-kultura
RADIO SLOEVNIJA 1.program: Intervju; 03.07.2007; 14.00
Bivalni ateljeji ob Ljubljanici, Delo, sreda 4. julija 2007
Razstava umetnikov bivalnih ateljejev, Dnevnik, torek 3. julija 2007
Redefining Abstract, Crown Point Press / London Calling, Monday, October 15, 2007
Exhibition: Is abstract art dead? / Interview / BBC Radio LIVE, 28.09.2007, 17: 30
Najbolje nic, Matjaz Brulc, DELO / Polet, 18.12.2008
Don’t miss: The Beat of Global Abstraction, San Francicso Chronicle, Mary Risenhart, torek 6. november 2008
Slovenu menininku darbaižadina nora gyventi, Universitas Vilneensis Nr.2, Snieguole Misiuniene, marec 2008
Slovenas nustebinti siekia švelnum, Respublika, Tomas Dambrauskas, 13.3.2008
Kuriniose- modernus antikos ir gamatos astpinažiai, LRT – Lituvos nacionalinis radijas ir televizija, 7.3.2008, 14:48
Ekslibrisi: “Ljubljana svetovna prestolnica knjige”, K.R., DELO, KULTURA, petek, 18.junija 2010
Boris Beja: Ekslibris, dailog med knjižnjim in likovnim, Siol KULTURA,, sreda 28.7.2010
Muzeji in galerije danes vabijo na Poletno muzejsko noc;, STA, DELO, sobota, 19. junija 2010
Muzeji in galerije vabijo na Poletno muzejsko noc;, STA, Primorski dnevnik, 19.6.2010
Muzeji in galerije danes vabijo na Poletno muzejsko noc, STA, Dnevnik, 19.6.2010
Poletna noc;, zurnal, 19 junij 2010...

Artist Collections

SOUND ART MUSEUM-RAM Via Conte Verde 15, 00185 Rome, Italia
Miran Kres & dj KZO, The pink triangle, 2003

Artist Favorites

Personal Favorites