Artist Statement -


July 2007 - Just exhibited works from his latest series "221 years in the Making" as part of the UK`s International Festival of the Image (Rhubarb Festival)

2006 June 2007 - Produced his first public exhibition at the Custard Factory Gallery in Birmingham under the Mentorship of the Great Max Kandhola and Rhonda Wilson MBE.

Born in Birmingham in 1963 to Anglo-Maltese parents - A diverse and multi-disciplined freelance artist

Working predominately in Digital Photography, but successfully marries this with more traditional paint techniques and sculpture.

The diversity of Pablo`s upbringing and career background to date is reflected in his Artwork; “….One Minute I was in the middle of the Gulf being taught how to kill people, a couple of months later I was visiting prisons helping rehabilitate Young Offenders”.

Not surprisingly then is the variety and seeming contradictions in both the media and subject matter of Pablos` work

Pablo has never been either accepted or rejected—And he would have it no other way.

Flirtations with Poetry, Prose, Sculpture, Photography, Digital Media, Oils, Acrilics, Water Colours and Pastels are regularly experienced, sometimes in charming combination.

“..His eyes, hands and brain, in searching for a true Nirvana, lean towards the more aesthetic, although conflict, contradiction and irony are frequently far away..”

Sometimes his journalistic experience is apparent such as in his acclaimed recent series of “Deconstructed Beauty” photographs, the culmination of a tour of Lithuania, Latvia, the Czech Republic and Russia paint both Charming and Disturbing dreamscapes.

His Engineering experience is reflected in the beautifully crafted, jewel-like pure copper abstractions. Current Project Copperworks –FireWaterAir; “...Extreme heat, physical tension and force is applied to the raw media to exploit and distort its natural beauty….No artificial pigment, just fire, water amd fresh-air (to weather and verdegris) and a little bit of human force (Starting with aggressive, powerful strikes and culminating in the gentlest of caresses and tweaks!)

Whilst in Lithuania earlier this year he reminisces; “ I had cycled for hours in torrential rain, to photograph an expanse of beautifully deserted Baltic coastline, for miles there was no-one else, just the force of the air, the sea, the sun, I gazed dreamily at this calm idyll as the storm subsided, glancing down, less than two meters away from me, half-buried in fine amber sand was an unexploded Russian Mortar!!!

“….This typifies life;…... beauty and destruction rarely exists in isolation, in fact they often make the most interesting and tempestuous of partners..”

Artist Exhibitions

I am in the process of compiling my past and current exhibition opportunities.

Artist Publications


Artist Collections

Numerous private, corporate, museum, gallery and government collections detailed information coming soon.

Artist Favorites

Personal Favorites