Artwork Description:
This space is dedicated to describe the artwork. However, in my case its not posible, because I work with the help of fortune. The technic is a base of randon strokes, blind mixture work, whimsical movements of a rag, a brush, a pencil, rare objets and much improvisation, invention. I see the result and then I put myself to arrange figures, drawig them. So, the procedure is reversed from the “normal” order to conceive a painting: coloring first, drawing as the final step. I get strange figures, as in a dream, unknown cultures, outfits, situations, gestures, faces with all kind of expressions. In a word a collage. I hope all this suggest worlds of imagination, remembrances, dejá vues, surrealism, irreality and even madness. Logically, the titles are weird sometimes, nothing related to the image, I can´t help doing this.