Pune, Pune - India

Original Artworks (1)

Saumya Bandyopadhyay; Three Sixty Degree Positive, 2015, Original Painting Acrylic, 22 x 28 inches.
Saumya Bandyopadhyay
Original Acrylic Painting, 2015
22 x 28 inches (55.9 x 71.1 cm)
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Artist Statement

The Ultimate One expresses its various forms through unlimited formations. Every single entity that rises also falls. Falls to rise again to maintain the eternity of its own beautiful flow. Eternity when takes the form of the final fall it becomes one with the water element.
Dissolution…it has various forms. Extinction or annulment of every single entity in this cosmos is the cause of the next beginning.
“Thou create , Thou nourish and thou perish …! Thou succumb to manifest, thou manifest to dissolve. Thy beginning itself is annihilation and they annihilation itself is the prime cause for the creation. In all states thou sustain. “
This thought of consistency depicts in various forms, shapes and colors is the striking feature of the ideation for the works created.
The exclusive beauty that holds all the elements of design together depicting ones command on the line, forming multilayered shapes embedded with forms within, features the distinct nature of these works. The vibrancy of colors that intricately create subtle and obvious textures indeed add a glory to the themes by representing the world of waters in the most boisterous manner.
Such treasurable depictions have wonderfully given the scope to my imagination to visualize beyond its own realm.