Artwork Description:
Asbjorn Lonvig's words: On the occasion of the French presidency of the European Union (French President Nicolas Sarkozy will launch the French Presidency of the EU at 10am on
Thursday 10 July in Strasbourg in a speech to MEPs and the European Commission.) in august 2008, the Eiffel Tower was illuminated in blue - the color of
the European Union's flag.
Every evening from 23 h. a flamboyant blue illuminated the symbol of Paris.
The flag: Against the background of blue sky, the stars form a circle, symbolising union.
The number of stars is fixed, twelve being the symbol of perfection and completeness and bringing to mind the apostles, the sons of Jacob, the labours of
Hercules, the months in the year, etc.
From its foundation in 1949 the Council of Europe was aware of the need to give Europe a symbol with which its inhabitants could identify.
On 25 October 1955 the Parliamentary Assembly unanimously approved the emblem of a circle of gold stars on a blue background.
On 9 December 1955 the organisation's Committee of Ministers adopted the star-studded flag,
which was launched officially on 13 December of the same year in Paris.
A symbol for the whole of Europe.
At some point the blue and the yellow lights are turned off.
And you ponder on the substance of the European Union - represented by the non-illuminated image of the Eiffel Tower mirrod in the spring and pond of Palais
de Chaillot.
You realize that there were no wars among European Unionists since 1949.
That's what the European Union is basicly about to me.
Beyond all the words.
And you parise yourself that your country is an European Unionist.
Wikipedia's words: Eiffel Tower History: On May 15, 1889, the Eiffel Tower opened its door to the public, a few days after the inauguration of the Universal Exposition, and was
the uncontested attraction of the event. 120 years later, the Mayor of Paris and the operating company, Socit dExploitation de la Tour Eiffel, organized a
series of events to celebrate the Towers anniversary in 2009: Bastille Days fireworks display, a light show, as well as an exhibition Tales of the Eiffel Tower.