Artists Describing Their Art:
Michele Niels - The purpose of this portfolio was to introduce myself as a dance exercise technical basis teacher. Over the years,after my carcrash,I have developed a one of the kind dance program,emphasing specific breathing method,involving body energies,suitable to every one:new mind against the old one. Did I loose my time?NO!Studing medecine:drawing outside and inside of the human body led me to the painting. Did I change something?NO!Always flexible,I dragged these body energies(universal) to the painting:same consciousness,more improved!How I manage my paintings?Starting from an object,I go on,in osmosis with my muse, my deep self consciousness,surely not remaining on surface!Surprised of the result!During the work we are silently in a second phase:each painting drags a step upper,always in the deep consciousness! Staying on surface conducts to the failure. What I paint is a kind of puzzle.In this deep consciousness every thing is linked,not separated: thus new way to work in all scopes....
Simone Maxwell - October 2016 *** PRESS RELEASE *** Textile Designs *** Simone Maxwell's Art Now on Ladies Fashion Scarves See my all-new artwork collection available as wearable fashion designs available here: --->>>
Charo Noriega - Art is a way of living, art a way of seeing, a way of finding unexpected is my only urgency at each moment of my life...but Art,(as well as Fate) vanishes when people hear their own name and grow in stature when no one is chasing them behind... ...