Floral Photographs   (Page 6 of 16)

Browse 455 Floral Photographs artworks for sale. Contemporary artists: Luise Andersen offering Photographs artworks. Links to more artworks by these contemporary artists and 16 pages for Photography% and further artists at the bottom of this page. To view a work by any of these contemporary artists simply click on the image or browse the artist's portfolio. To buy any Photographs simply click on the image to go to a more detailed page about this work of art.

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Luise Andersen: 'A Card for PAULINE April three TwoOTwelve', 2012 Other Photography, Floral. Artist Description:   Birthday card. . for Pauline . . Aries, April 3,2012put all my feelings. . thoughts. . into this art work. . know this very special Lady. . and Lady she is. . kind heart, brilliant! ! mind. . . . love her. . and her cuisine. . her husband Jack. . does too. . over 50 years now. .. . smiiiling. . ...
Floral - Other Photography
18 x 16 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Evening Red of ROSE I', 2012 Other Photography, Floral. Artist Description:   . . captured in almost darkness. . behind a wire fence. . leaned over and' took her with me' in my camera. . while the owner was finishing his late evening watering his lawn. . did not even think, to ask. . . . ufff. . . . . thanked him. . got my welcome. . and rushed back to my oneInchroom. . well. . ...
Floral - Other Photography
19 x 21 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'WHITE ROSE OF WEDNESDAY VII B', 2011 Color Photograph, Floral. Artist Description:     CHOSE PHOTOGRAPH  THE BEAUTIFUL' COOL' TRANSPARENT ONE,' wHITE rOSE nO III, WHICH IS UNTOUCHED. . NO ENHANCEMENTS ETC. . . it is in right of this image as smaller ' thumbprint' of image. . but is same size as this one and original photograph. . it is in the top of. . As all thumbprints, ...
Floral - Color Photograph
19 x 21 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'WHITE ROSE OF WEDNESDAY VII', 2011 Color Photograph, Floral. Artist Description:   CHOSE PHOTOGRAPH  THE BEAUTIFUL' COOL' TRANSPARENT ONE,' WHITE ROSE NO III, WHICH IS UNTOUCHED. . NO ENHANCEMENTS ETC. . . . . I just had to' play' creatively with. . MADE A cOPY OF THE ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH. . AND . . JUST A touch. . here. . and there. . . . TURNED IT TOO. . AS YOU SEE IN THE IMAGE NEXT ...
Floral - Color Photograph
19 x 21 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'WHITE ROSE OF MY WEDNESDAY I', 2011 Color Photograph, Floral. Artist Description:  . . . Always eyes and feel find Nature the most amazing Muse. . also the most beautiful. . but when life is in a turmoil. . I specially seek out Natures'' light' . . forms. . scents. . also her shadows. . incredible jues' SHE' has. . I mean Nature. . and artist . . will live a lifetime, to just' get ...
Floral - Color Photograph
19 x 21 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Delight III', 2011 Color Photograph, Floral. Artist Description:  . . the light. . in this beautiful Rose. . her charm. . sweet shaped petals. . incredible rich scent. . . One Of My Beautiful Muses. . . . . . . . . . . .smiling. .taken Nov. 13, 2011 on Pauline and Jack Worsmans'Garden Terrace. .++ size for uploading purpose onlyCopies at present not available.  ...
Floral - Color Photograph
19 x 21 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'TOUCH OF YOU MY LOVELY I', 2011 Color Photograph, Floral. Artist Description:  . . this special lightest of Pink Hues Rose engaged my feel of highest sensitivity . . sensuality. . the intimate of feel. . touches of intense. . light of pure. . glow of height in feel. . skin. . and soul. . Have taken this beautiful shoot. . feel 'lonely' . . kind of. . much. . You can, in the crowd, You ...
Floral - Color Photograph
17 x 19 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Night Blooming LOTUS II', 2011 Color Photograph, Floral. Artist Description:  . . has symbolic resonance in art forms. . almost 'glows' in night. . is a delicate soft blue tone, depending on dark and light. . elegant shape, if a blossom is' named' elegant. . could not find other word. . . . charming. . beautiful. . delicate. . intriguing with her red green hued stems. . roots. . like entwined worms. . ...
Floral - Color Photograph
15 x 17 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Blush IV stemmed Pink Rose I', 2011 Color Photograph, Floral.
Floral - Color Photograph
15 x 17 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'the black and white of PINK  Blush IV', 2011 Color Photograph, Floral. Artist Description:  . . is the incredible beauty of this Rose, that entrances me. . her petals. . formed into this tight bud. . others around 'cup the center form. . so sensual. . and fabulous. . enchanting light. .so. . converted another photograph of this gorgeous Rose. . into white and dark hues. . . . LOOK at her' presence' of' feel' . . ...
Floral - Color Photograph
15 x 17 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: ' Blush  I', 2011 Color Photograph, Floral. Artist Description:   . . . walked over to Pauline & Jacks'residence. . in early morning, to go on 2 mile morning walk at park. . Pauline, longtime best friend , drives us to the park. . . . and then we' take off' . .. . in the drive way, are 2 special Rose bushes. . English Roses. . One white. . one pink. . and ...
, 2011
Floral - Color Photograph
15 x 17 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'the Muse ROSE Touches Glow In Dark I', 2011 Other Photography, Floral. Artist Description:  October I, 2011- from the series I took on Sept. 30,2011. . I chose these Roses. . to creatively touch. . did not use specific programs, just the download features on the windows gallery photos . . expresses part of me. . through the beautiful , precious of pink Rose. . which called 'my name' ...
Floral - Other Photography
18 x 18 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'COEUR I   Series', 2011 Color Photograph, Floral. Artist Description:  . . is, when Rose reaches the time in her life. . when around petals the colors change into the for me so familiar, classic. . collected forever Rose. . colors lighten in part to soft. . in other petals to deep in hues. . . also textures. . tissue paper like. . often so fragile. . some areas ...
Floral - Color Photograph
18 x 18 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'THE ROSE AND HER GUEST I Series with Locust', 2011 Color Photograph, Floral. Artist Description:  . . sept. 30,2011- - taking pix. . as usual after 2 mile walk. . or during. . never miss Sanctuary. . the beauty and abundance of Flowers. . Plants. .Looked at the white Roses. . . the Bush. . which offers all year long gorgeous flowers. . none ever the' same' . . Just when I was about to focus. . ...
Floral - Color Photograph
18 x 18 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'THE SENSUAL IN ROSE and THE ABSTRACT ', 2011 Color Photograph, Floral. Artist Description:   . . . did another photo shoot of Flowers. . and yes. . Roses. . intrigued me. . the sensuality within Rose core. . petals. . hues. . the forms are enchanting. . lthese are very close up pix. . have Kodak Easy Share 2740- 5 megapixels - 10 X . . plus deal with the burnt on water spots in lens. . qhite ...
Floral - Color Photograph
18 x 23 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'ROSES OF SEPTEMBER  RBPWTE III', 2011 Color Photograph, Floral. Artist Description:   . . . they began blooming again. . Precious Roses. . enchant my eyes. . feel. . in their beautiful form. . colors. . and magnificent charm of light play. . the contrasts. . are stunning. . either in striking brilliance. . or most enchanting softness of presence. .++ sizes for uploading purposes only. . copies at present not available. . cannot afford the ...
Floral - Color Photograph
16 x 20 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'ROSES OF SEPTEMBER  RP I', 2011 Color Photograph, Floral. Artist Description:  . . . they began blooming again. . Precious Roses. . enchant my eyes. . feel. . in their beautiful form. . colors. . and magnificent charm of light play. . the contrasts. . are stunning. . either in striking brilliance. . or most enchanting softness of presence. .++ sizes for uploading purposes only. . copies at present not available. . cannot afford the ...
Floral - Color Photograph
16 x 20 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Enchnatment in Pink ROSE II', 2011 Color Photograph, Floral.
Floral - Color Photograph
15 x 17 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Charm in Pink I', 2011 Color Photograph, Floral. Artist Description:  . . enchanted eyes. . feel. . took several days ago. . when the light was just 'right' . . . took series of several Roses. . the last ones for now. . in several weeks there will be new ones , each in their own beautiful form. . colors. . light. . . enchantment. .++ size for uploading purpose only. . once I can ...
Floral - Color Photograph
15 x 17 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Moments Of Forever I  WHITE ROSES series AugNineTwoOElvn', 2011 Color Photograph, Floral. Artist Description: * * ABSOLUTELY PLEASE ENLARGE. . . * * . . there always will be. . Scented Light of white Roses. . .++ copies not available at present, due to finance non existence. .Size for uploading purpose only.   ...
Floral - Color Photograph
18 x 24 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'ROSE OF ORANGE AND BUDS II series', 2011 Color Photograph, Floral. Artist Description:  . . real orange. . and with sun glow. . brought forwards gold too. . only 3 or 4 Rose Bushes of this color amongst all the others. . which were mostly in various gorgeous reds. . going to strong pinks. . and several hues of yellows. .Just had to take the orange ones. . never had ...
Floral - Color Photograph
11 x 13 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'ROSE OF MINE I Series Rose Of Mignon I', 2011 Color Photograph, Floral. Artist Description:  . . taken in brightest of sunlight. . Phlox in red and bright pinks are close by. . . smiling. . took my chance. . pointed camera in angle almost straight down from where I was standing. . so everything. . almost was in dark. . beneath this beautiful, gorgeous, but  fading Rose. . my main intent in beginning ...
Floral - Color Photograph
11 x 13 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'MIGNONS ROSE I  Precious In White And Gold ', 2011 Color Photograph, Floral. Artist Description:  . . love them ALL. . All Flowers. . this one. . one of White Roses . . is, because the whole Bush is in abundance of light and beauty, abloom. . . . to me. . is brathtakingly beautiful. . in her maturing. . have taken pictures of her, since tiny, tight, eager to grow, bud. . resonates echo of feel. . ...
Floral - Color Photograph
11 x 13 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'ALIGHT IS ROSE I', 2011 Color Photograph, Floral. Artist Description: . . guess. . it did not take my description. . tried 4 times. . so. . get a breather. . and try later again. . Safari so often makes my hair stand up. . ahhhh. .this photo is only cropped. . nothing else. . the stark sunlight. . creates her own magic. . with light. . and dark. . all I needed ...
Floral - Color Photograph
11 x 13 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'CACTI I Tall Cacti Series', 2011 Color Photograph, Floral.
Floral - Color Photograph
17 x 22 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Series For Birthday Greetings VI WHITE ROSES sers', 2011 Color Photograph, Floral. Artist Description:   . . . going Sanctuary for the rest of the day. . will see. . . what am going to create. . after swimming. . sooo hottt. . . need the cool. wet, brilliant of blue. . .Have a peaceful weekend. . wish joy in' heart' . . . and back with you, later in evening. .Till then. . .Yours, Luise ,' Mignon' c) ...
Floral - Color Photograph
17 x 22 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Love Of Light I  WHITE ROSE SERIES', 2011 Color Photograph, Floral. Artist Description: ZOOM IN ON THE FEEL. . . . please. . So much of light. . and so deep the love. . the passion. . . eyes follow each petal. . like' touch' . . moments lingering. . the climax of hues and textures emphasized in deep and light of core. . can you see. . . the love for light. . in play of ...
Floral - Color Photograph
17 x 22 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Feel Dance Of Light I WHITE ROSE ', 2011 Color Photograph, Floral. Artist Description:  . . ohh this painters eyes and spirit delights in light play and her shadows. . the enchanting 'dance' of ever changing . . . feel. . . viewing. . and soul opens sooo wide. . . with all that space I have inside then. . . the pressure of life. . . vanishes. . .' Greatest of Presence Of Spirit. . .' . . is so loving. . and ...
Floral - Color Photograph
17 x 22 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'MAGNOLIA   Last Dance Of Spring ', 2011 Other Photography, Floral. Artist Description:  . . stage is set. . beauty is tunning. . so prsitine. . brilliant in light. . and precious sepia hues. . deep saturated sensuous, lusty reds. . touches of magentas. . and wine. . purples in hushes of whispers. . and shadows reflect on each other. . lovers dance. . that lasts forever in my mind and heart. . going towards '...
Floral - Other Photography
13 x 17 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Light of Magnolia VLM', 2011 Other Photography, Floral. Artist Description:  . . . . streets ar lined with Magnolia trees. . all in bloom. . eyes drawn 'upwards' . . towards their incredibly beautiful. . huge , infused with light. . wonderful shadows. . colors. . blossoms. . . . magnificent in sight. . and sooo sensual. . all stress. . . worries. . dark in mood disappears, when eyes are entranced. . by their' spirit' . . experience brings' light' . . enrgy. . . ...
Floral - Other Photography
13 x 17 inches ( x )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Last Updated: Sun 16 Feb 2025 07:12:01 PM EST