I have been drawing designs for thirty years. I first took an interest in spirograph but couldn't get used to the cog wheels. I doodled at first with 8.5 inch by 11 inch paper. Everyone wanted me to make them a design. I drew designs on a bigger scale and now draw on 22" by 28" poster paper. My drawings will take a minimum of 80 hours to complete. Some design drawings take me over 100 hours to complete. This type of artwork leaves no room for errors. Imagine drawing for 60 hours and make a mistake, it will show up in the drawing. There is no way to draw these designs fast and an incredible amount of determination is needed to complete a drawing. You must really enjoy it or it won't work out. Please look at my two NEW YORK MEMORIAL drawings on my website. They were drawn in memory of September 11/01. I use pens in my drawings. It is called Pen Art.
I am currently looking for an agent who will handle my artwork, please contact artist.
All my Originals are available for sale with the rights to them. The Originals can be digitalized and copies sold in "any" color combinations imaginable. For this right to the Original, the artist would like a royalty. Thank you for looking and if you have any questions, please email the artist. ...
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