Sky (2)

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Browse 2 Sky Sculptures artworks for sale. Contemporary artists: Ruth Therese, Maria Teresa Fernandes offering Sculptures artworks. Links to more artworks by these contemporary artists and 1 pages for Sculptures and further artists at the bottom of this page. To view a work by any of these contemporary artists simply click on the image or browse the artist's portfolio. To buy any of the art below click on the image to go to a more detailed page about this work of art.

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Ruth Therese: 'Point of view No1', 2011 Watercolor, Sky. Artist Description: This painting is called Point de vue # 1/ Point of view/ Synspunkt # 1, and is the first image in a serial of severals. The intension is to literally play with different viewpoints, both for me, and for the viewer. Tree, sky, landscape, blue, contrast, strong light, pine tree, ...
Sky - Watercolor
12.4 x 12 cm (4.9 x 4.7 inches)
Maria Teresa Fernandes: 'ebb tide', 1980 Watercolor, Sky. Artist Description: a place to be as often as possible...
, 1980
Sky - Watercolor
6 x 10 inches (15.2 x 25.4 cm)
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Artists Describing Their Art:

Ruth Therese - For me it is difficult to explain the creative process. It is like trying to explain why I breathe. It is just something I need to do, something I urge to do. When I was younger, I was very shy. To paint, and the making of graphic works, became a way of expressing my self, my opinions and my feelings. Now, I am not that shy, but I still need to express myself by painting. Every single painting is consequently, in colors and forms, a part of me. And if you "feel" or understand the painting, it just became a part of you as well....

Maria Teresa Fernandes - Admiring Teresa's paintings we are touched by her pictorial sensitivity. Difficult task in light colors (volume and transparencies on a clear basis). Few do it due to the required dedication with pallete knife(no brush).It's painting consacrated by the love to paint. Radha Abramo(Renowned art critique)comments at Solo Exhibition Catalog at SESC Paulista in June 84 -( sent at request and reproduced in one of the pages of this site). ...