Reality meets myths. Personal visual impressions of chosen English gardens ... lately also Mediterranean seaside, are coming together in imaginative collages and alchemic transformation.
. Sensitive to the environment as well as to human interactions and expressions … it all translates into visual myths …
. Not only travels between geographical points, but also a thirst for such trips in the mind through myths and readings of initiatic rituals of metamorphosis, infiltrated as well my art of painting. At the end, every archetype (for example Heliogabalus, Persephone and Artemis) and every movement reaches back to the source of rhythm and scales … creating a personal mythology … and so … I understand my self and the world after each painting is done … by a hypersensitive process and not a premeditated rational plan. The seasons or the elements and their rhythm are interwoven with my vision of human soul and the soul of the sea …
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